Monday, May 15, 2006

May 15

US History
Focus: WWII

discuss Unit 7 tests
Unit 8 Study Guide
video permission slips
24-1 notes

24-2 TQ
Psychology (May 15-16)
Sleep Problems

sleep problems notes
readings: RLS and sleep-eating
video clip: teens and sleep
handouts: sleep tips and responsible napping


May 17-18
Unit 5 Test


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm freaking out because I don't remember where I put my book. My notes were in it and everything. I need to study! I'm going to fail this test if I don't find it tonight.

7:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Carlisle,
I know we already had the sleep and dreams test today, but I just now noticed the link on the blog about lucid dreaming. I know I've experienced it before but I've never been able to associate a word with it. I guess I always assumed that I wasn't asleep at all, just in a state of drowsiness/daydreaming. "After all", I've reasoned,"if humans had complete control over their dreams, then there wouldn't be nightmares." I guess I was asleep.

8:56 PM


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