Tuesday, June 13, 2006

June 14-16

Focus: Vietnam

video: Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam

complete participation self-evaluation
JUNE 15-16


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Carlisle...I tried that link and found out that I would have been drafted. My number was 154. I liked that link.

4:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i finally had a chance to check out the link for the draft. my number turned out to be 151... drafted. i wouldn't mind, maybe i would've joined anyway for the adventure just like Mr. Alfred Bradford. but never would i have had a hand in the events like the My Lai Massacre...
uhhh - scratch that... i just asked my girlfriend what she thought about me being drafted and she said she'll go and kill the president herself. =/

10:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

im going to miss you're class carlisle.

8:11 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


I really hope you enjoyed the class. Never stop learning about history even though you're going to be the hippest pharmacist in Oregon in a few years. I highly suggest the following book for you, A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn. Check it out. Big book but an easy read.

Have agreat summer!

7:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i will definately check it out, a friend of mine has it and is going to let me borrow it.

do you zoobomb? haha. just wondering cause that would be cool.

2:38 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Glad you are going to get your hands on some Zinn. Nice!

As far as zoobombing, I am not a zoobomber. I leave that activity for the Portland hipsters. Plus I think I would kill myself barreling down the West Hills on a tiny kid's bike. ;)

3:04 PM


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