Wednesday, November 22, 2006

November 22 (pre-Turkey Day)

US History

return Unit 6 exams
Unit 7 study guide
WWI overview

20-1/21-4 TQ



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Mr. Carlisle.

9:28 AM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Same to you Lindsey! I just got back from eating a very big meal with my in-laws.

GOODL LUCK TOMORROW MORNING!! We will be looking for you on TV.

6:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks! It should be fun, getting rained on and all. I just had dinner with my relatives too, and my aunt and uncle and cousins are coming up tomorrow. Anyway, have a good rest of your weekend!
PS. I'm in the front on the left, so you can tell which one's me.

7:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

the parade.oh was so cold!! i really dont like marching in parades as it is but the thnaksgiving parade is the worst one becuse of the coldness and the rain.
i felt like dying because of the rain and then it stopped and i was still freezing.
oh the joys of oregon


9:31 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


I didn't know you were in the band. Very nice job. I felt for you out there in the cold and rain. You are truly hardcore!!

Have a good rest of your break and be on the look out for snow on Monday.

8:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carlisle you are going to hate me..but I got really sick this weekend and it wasn't just a im actually sick lol so I need to know what I'm going to miss tomorrow. I'm sorry!!

9:11 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Spelman!!! I told you to WASH your hands didn't I? Drink lots of OJ tomorrow and eat some chicken soup. Who knows, if the weather does something wack maybe we all won't be at school tomorrow. I'm predicting a possible 2 hr delay.

Okay, tomorrow we are going over 20-1 TQ and I'm going to give you some overhead notes on the 1920s. I may go over 21-4 tomorrow and save 22-1 TQ for Tuesday.

Just e-mail me at my school address tomorrow and I will let you know if you need anything else. I can also e-mail you the overhead notes you missed too. Just make sure you have ALL of your homework done tomorrow.

I hope you feel better.

9:25 PM


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