Monday, April 09, 2007


Here's the preview for the Jim Jones documentary airing on OPB this week. Please let me know your thoughts of this disturbing film.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

everyone seemed so happy, and felt they belonged in the church. Jim Jones welcomed everyone no matter what race you were it seems he wanted to protect his people. they were all taken care of, whatever they needed they got.
i thought that was pretty messed up about that one lady in the wheel chair who wasnt actually crippled and how it was the secretary and how they members of the Peoples Temple couldnt really talk to each other.
he first faked the poison in the punch, it was like a hint leading up to the real thing.
i cant believe they actually built a town in the middle of the jungle so they can be excluded. they were like a big family. its sad that even if they wanted to leave they couldnt because jones said they would get treated bad by the other people. it seems like once your in theres no way out.
everyone was turning in other people, they would go behind peoples back.. everything was going downhill. jones was becoming insane nobody was safe in jonestown. its so sad that guy's baby was injected with poison, and how all those people talking in the documentry had close family relatives that died. there were all dead bodies laying out on the fields.. how disturbing! 909 people died, this was way to sad, i cant believe that something like that happend! i wonder is jonestown still there?

10:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


This documentary was disturbing on so many different levels. I couldn't believe that all these people followed Jim Jones like that and never questioned him, especially since he was a huge hypocrite. It's scary to think that people are susceptible to follow someone like Jim Jones and be brainwashed so easily without a way out.
It was especially disturbing to see all of these people who seemed so happy throughout the video, and then later on to see the amount of bodies laying out at the end. I felt extremely bad for those of the people who were left and told the story of how their loved ones died.
So I have a question, where all of Jim Jones' followers agnostic? Because it was saying in the video how if they wanted him to be there father, savior, or god he could be.

10:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kristina Hval

That was one of the most depressing things i've ever seen. It just makes me wonder. It makes think, how could so many people allow that to happen to themselves and their family? How did they let jim jones get so powerful and take so much control of teir lives? How had no one seen it coming sooner? I would personally like to think that after the first "poison" kool-aid that i would've known without a doubt that he had problems, and would've left. I just dont understand why they were so loyal. Why did they all do eveything that he said? How had he proved to them that he himself was the walking god? I just could'nt imagine being in sucha place in my life to allow him the power over my life.

10:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its so sad, i nearly broke out into tears. They believed him, they trusted him, he welcome'd them in open arms no matter who you were or where you cam from.
They were all treated equaly and thats what brought them together.

When he faked the posion in the punch i couldnt belive he did that, it was kind of like a sign that he is that crazy and that suicide can happen.

I was sickend that he had a secretary pose as a woman in a wheelchair who couldnt walk, it showed yuou how much he wanted the people to belive him and follow him and do what ever he said.

They built a town too that was really weird, and how they had to immediatly leave and go there was really weird like a sign of desperation to keep the people from leaving him. They were so isolated from the world and they were all taught by Jim Jones that everyone in the outside world (not in the temple of peoples church) was bad, that they would corrupt you.
At the point of them turning against each other becuase of Jim Jones saying that if one spoke about leaving that they were betrayers against him and everyone else.
Pretty much everyone wanted to leave but spoke nothing of it so they would not become an outcast of some sort. Once the reporters came i thought it would get better but it just got worst. As i saw the images of them being so happy for something that was going to become so deadly and tragic.
I started to cry as they took the posion and gave it to their children! Mothers, fathers, daughters, sons and all family all victims for just wanting to find acceptance and make a differnce. 909 dead...i still cant belive it i dont think i ever will..

11:04 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Jackie, Kristina, Adrienne, and Erika,

I am so impressed with the depth and seriousness of your incredibly well thought out comments on the Jonestown film. I think the film leaves the viewer with more questions about Jonestown than answers. I don't know if the remnants of Jonestown are still in South America.

I think I am going to show this documentary after the seniors depart. I am going to do a mini-social psych unit on the events covered in the film.

I agree with all of your assessments of the film. Great job ladies.

7:39 AM

Blogger strong4life89 said...

jim jones seemed like a very nice man excepting all people into his church making everyone feel like they belonged somewhere. Jim Jones was a very smart man he had people do things and persaded people very easily. eg. having the old people give up there homes sell and give the money to the church and promised the elderly that in return they would have people take care of them and would always have someone there for them.
the people would do work around the farms and work 20plus hour days. and made people feel guilty if they slept more then 2-3hours.
I was amazing the following they had. and what people would do for them. they would all travel on greyhound busses. I was suprised that the woman let jim jones have sex with her without any resistance that just shows how powerful he was.
"if you see me as your friend i'll be your friend, if you see me as your father i'll be your father, if you see me as your god i'll be your god".. its amazing how he did that and people excepted everything he said. He was an expert at tricking people such as the wheel chair and the lady how he said" today is your day to be healed, walk to me walk to me, then she begain to run towards Mr. Jones. i was saying yeah right the whole time then they said that she was the secretary. the guy was a very smart man at convincing people very sick but the people seemed very happy.
Nick strong

5:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is the craziest thing ever! I was watching this on OPB with my mom and I was telling her how I thought you should show it in psych class!!! holy cow! But I cannot believe what Jim Jones did. It's so cruel...and!!!!
What bothers me the most is how brain washed people were! They didn't fight him when he ordered his men to take their children to poisen them. HE ALSO SAID THE SUICIDE WAS FOR PEACE!!!!!! HOW CAN YOU ACQUIRE PEACE WHEN 909 PEOPLE ARE DEAD! And what's worse is that Jim Jones just dissapeared into the jungle!!! He murdered over 900 people and was it 5 reporters including a congressmen!!! and he just "dissapears" aklshdfj! UGH!!! It's discusting. -brittany domstrand

12:48 PM


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