Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Great Depression

Great overview of the Great Depression.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I was reading through the site and watching the video I was stunned when it stated that all these people were committing suicide and giving up, and going mental, and how everything got to the point where people had no hope for thier nation and knew it wasn't going to get better. It was devestating how people started to basically give up on their future.

Have a great sunny day =]

Go for a Bike ride <3

3:54 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Excellent comment Niz. I always find it really difficult to understand how bad some Americans really had it during the Depression.

4:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seriously NEVER knew the depression was ever that terrible. I thought the stock market crashed and people were just bummed. I never knew so many were homeless and didnt have jobs. That is so crazy and my grandparents were kids then too which is really weird. It's strange how we just learned about progressing and wanting a better America and the in class video yesterday portrays American's so excited about new things like the radio, cars and airplanes to totally 180 and everyone just go completely depressed and jobless and hopeless. REALLY sad

4:26 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Great comment Andrea.

4:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is amazing stuff! How all at once a plentiful and lively country turns around and is begging for a glance of hope. Then the trouble ends and war starts up. I never knew it was that bad. It seems odd that weather events started going crazy around that same time too.

I see why it should be called the Great Depression.

7:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont quite understand how money can just disappear and how the stock market can just "crash". I understand the fact that people were not spending as much money, there was less production, and a high number of unemployment fed the fire but money cannot just disappear. Maybe it will make more sense tomorrow or when I learn more. And in the video was that a 400$ sign for Dr. Pepper in the bottom of the poicture when that person was on the stairs?

7:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm it just seems so surreal to me. I mean, I don't really understand how economy just stopped all of a sudden. Why would it stop? It's just so weird. But I can understand why there were so many jobless people. If things don't sell, people don't need to work. No work, no money. No money no way to get stuff you need. It's crazy how things go. People need people's services to survive, in a way . I hope we never go though a depression. The recession today gives me enough of a heart attack.

8:37 PM

Blogger Casey said...

I haven't had time to go through the Depression stuff yet, I'll try to get to it tomorrow.

Only reason I came here was to tell everyone about a Navy SEAL who will be posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor on Tuesday

Full story

8:43 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Great comments everyone. Thanks for taking the time do leave some thoughts on the blog.

I will do my best to make sense of the Great Depression and why it was so bad in 1929. Remember, the U.S. has suffered through several economic depressions throughout its history. However, this one was different and I will tell you why tomorrow.

9:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont really understand how stocks work to be honest, maybe its because my parents arent involve in that stuff.....its weird how couple days could make the whole country sooo in need of money....i wonder what would that be like nowadays considering the stock market isnt doing so well, i think.....its soo hard imagining an America being sooo poor and very depressed back in the day....the great depression is something my mind cant grasp, i dont understand the why and how of it.......blahhhh

9:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats amazing how intense the depression was. I knew it was bad but i never eralized how bad. what i was reading reminded me of what my grandparents have told me about the great depression. I also think the ppeople should have tried to go with hoovers plan. it might not have lasted as long and as horrible as it sounded i would have tried anything.

9:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

its so insane how different the 20s and 30s were. the 20s sounded so exciting and must have been horrible for the people to have everything one day, and nothing the next. its extremely sad, that so many people gave up, but at the time, it must have taken a lot of strength to keep going. I'm not even sure that I could have made it thorugh the great depression.

9:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could the government have helped out by lowering interest rates and lowering tariffs to start up trade again? Was this ever considered?

9:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

woah, i never really understood it was that bad either, i liked that clip, it had a dramatic appeal to it. and i found it interesting that the only thing that got us out of the great depression was being bombed!

oh and i think we might need to play the sound backwards to check for sublimital messages. there were some really weird sounds comin out of my speakers. night.

10:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree so much with andrea and saraga. the 20's looked bright for the future. and then all of a sudden a clash of the stock market, and then people lost hope of the future. and it turned out so bad, so bad that there were suicide attempts. it was like a full move from one side of the spectrum to another..

i really like the video carlisle, and i think i liked the music.

12:31 AM

Blogger Casey said...

OK, I was going to leave a comment last night, but my internet decided it would be fun to go slower than dial-up, so I'm doing it now.

I already knew a lot of the major causes of the Depression, though the finer details I didn't know about (and the concepts of some are still lost on me, but I'll wait till you talk to us today about it before going any further with that). It really must have been hard to go to sleep well-off and wake-up poor and unemployed.

Since I don't feel like copying what everyone else has said, I'll make a head-start on what Carlisle would have undoubtedly done at some point, compare this to today.

By no means is the current situation even close to the Depression, nor will it get anywhere near, but there are definitely some parallels. One, Wall St. takes major hits in both of them (though today it happened more slowly and not as much). They also both happened with Republicans in office. And people felt then (as many do now) that the President is out of touch with America.

Yeah, I need to go to class now.

7:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Cralisle.If you invest money in the stock market and you buy so many shared in so many companies, if your stocks go up, do you ever get that money? And what if it goes down? I mean I know you are losing but are you just losing money from the amount you invested or do you have to pay the government money that you lost. Like how does that work?

8:01 PM

Blogger Casey said...

From what I understand:

You don't lose or gain any money from stock until after you sell it. It could plummet to $.01 a share, but if you don't sell it off and wait for it to climb back up, you haven't really lost any money.

10:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That picture that was posted abovethe video- So ironic how the billboard says, "Do it (more like, live life)the American way!" and shows a happy smiling family, and yet here are all of these people standing in a breadline, living in the only way possible- a life that was not at all like the life portrayed in the ad. The way these people were living was a large amount of people's "American way" of life.
I bet that poster must have made some people mad just looking at it back then...

5:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading this passage and watching the video, it has given me a new perspective on how bad the depression really was. i never thought that americans in the country really had it all that bad, and it was just the city people. But it was very hard for citizens in the country and the dust storms they suffered did not help things much. This site really opened my eyes and gave me a much clearer view of what the depression was all about.

6:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow the beginning of the video made me really hope that this recession doesn't turn into another depression. I don't think that Americans would do too well. I think that too many would panic and we would be back at the great depression.

10:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow I didn’t realize so many schools closed. It makes perfect sense... but I never considered it. The Great Depression really did affect every aspect of life. The stat about the mental hospitals was also interesting. Like it said in the link, it was a psychological thing along with economical. =(

Andy is right; I sure hope we don’t run into another one of these...

6:52 PM


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