Wednesday, November 26, 2008
About Me
- Name: Mr. Carlisle
- Location: Portland, Oregon, United States
I'm a native South Carolinian and I attained my undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of South Carolina. I taught fourth grade for two years in the Mississippi Delta and two years at an alternative high school in Western North Carolina. I have been at Tigard High School since the fall of 2003, where I teach U.S. History and Psychology.
There's some things you never need to know in life. This comes very close to being one of them.
I do, however, enjoy the cat and dog picture. There's nothing quite like Thanksgiving to bring enemies together (except possibly a treaty negotiation).
3:57 PM
That is quite possible the most disgusting thing I've seen all year. You have to feel bad for the girl with that disability though. Have an awesome Thanksgiving Mr. Carlisle
5:58 PM
Have a good one.
6:00 PM
Comrade Carlisle,
That is quite disgusting.
6:20 PM
I don't know why that did that.
6:22 PM
Okay now it made the symbol.
These things bug me. -(olivia)
working men of all countries unite. let those who own the means of production trouble at a communist revolution. the proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. they have the world to gain. -(joey, obviously)
6:26 PM
10 pounds thats nothing
i know someone that gained 13 pounds in one thanksgiving dinner he wieghed in before and after dinner
7:34 PM
happy turkey day
7:38 PM
13? that's weaksauce. knowing that I have not only thanksgiving but also my 27th birthday, I will be gaining at least 45 pounds this weekend.
9:32 PM
Absolutely sick- I really didn't need to see that!!!!!
8:33 AM
Happy Thanksgiving Kristin!
9:13 AM
I heard about this on the radio and I'm not brave enough to watch it. Perhaps it might interest you.
Happy Thanksgiving!
1:31 PM
Oh I will warn you. She has a worm in her brain.
1:36 PM
Ok that was quite disgusting! I have never even heard of a disease like this before. That is crazy! I did share this with my family after dinner yesterday. It was pretty entertaining to see their reactions.
5:32 PM
Mr. Carlisle! Tonight at dinner we used Oneida silverware. I'm like wait...I know that name. I impressed everyone with my utopian knowledge.
9:42 PM
Thats Nasty
11:43 AM
Deanna...that is seriously like oozes out...and ok, i won't go there. But ya, that was nasty. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
2:19 PM
Happy belated Thanksgiving, Mr. Carlisle!
2:03 PM
i dont know about you guys, but my hair doesnt taste all that bad.
2:51 PM
the hair ball looks like it's in the shape of her stomach!
5:56 PM
yes, that was incredibly heart warming. Thats exactly how i would have to descirbe it.
haha happy late thanksgiving :)
8:10 AM
what are you all talking about?!?!? what is so nasty am i missing somthing?? Ohh check this, for my thanksgiving we had 41 people over at my grandmas. Somone brought the flu with them and by the end of the week almost 1/3 of the people were sick. We were on the way to the movies and 4 little kids were piled in the back of a van, and one of them started throwing up everyone. i was observing this from the front while holding my feet in the air (we were on a hill and the vomit was quite liquidy)and all the kids were screaming and crying!! the littlest one was crying and saying "IT SMELLS SOOO BAD" and one of the others was telling me how they were driving home that night and he had to sleep in the back of the car that this vomiting was taking place. it was sooo funny! yet quite disgusting. i apologize ppl that find this offending
8:31 PM
Best Thanksgiving story ever Tucker!
9:57 PM
carlisle did you hear about Clinton being secretarty of state??
9:12 AM
slavery and IA's have a few things in common, i hate them, and they ruin families, my moms yelling at me to get it done :'(
1:18 PM
That's not an extreme comparison at all, Victor...
1:20 PM
Tucker, I did indeed.
Victor and Narintohn,
That doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And grows hair on your toes.
2:01 PM
Ha. Well, I was actually being sarcastic towards Victor but okay thank you sir carlisle
2:18 PM
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