Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Okay, I really want to hear from you all about the video below. Do you think that easy access to computers and cell phones is driving you to distraction? And I fully understand the irony of me posting this on a class blog to get your feedback. Classic.


Anonymous Anthony Nguyen 3AB said...

yes, the internet is a huge distraction.

between fantasy basketball and facebook, i probably spend about 3 hours on those 2 things alone, per day. i actually had to quit facebook and have my sister change my password because it was using up so much of my studying time.

thats not even counting the 3 hours i spend on this blog each day...man im screwed

8:23 AM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Do you feel that texting is a problem for you or not? Three hours on the Internet? Is that all at once or do you spread it through out the day.

8:37 AM

Anonymous Anthony N. said...

texting isnt that much of a problem at all for me, the 3 hours goes something like this: 5 minutes of homework, 15 minutes on the net, 5 minutes of homework, 15 minutes on the net...rinse and repeat.

8:57 AM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Ugh, classic multi-tasking that's become the bane of your generation. At least you're not addicted to video games.

8:59 AM

Anonymous Elizabeth L., 3 A/B said...

I have the same homework/internet problem as Anthony. Texting has never been much of a problem, but the internet is. The computer is set up in my room, which is great for writing essays and lab reports into the night, but it sure doesn't help me focus.

I keep telling my father that we need to put it elsewhere, and I think that needs to be soon, or else I'll turn into Vishal.

I find that when I busy myself with more extra curricular activities, I find myself on the computer less. When the activities seem to break around this time of year, it's difficult to not procrastinate.

9:33 AM

Anonymous Ivan K. 3A/B said...

I have the same problems as anthony and elizabeth. I break the facebook and internet time into 20-30 minute intervals with about 10 minutes of homework in between.

I almost wish the internet time was all at once that way I could focus on my homework and then be on facebook and whatever or vice versa.

I also have a computer in my room. However, it does not have internet. Therefore I can write essays in my room and transfer them on a thumb drive to the main computer. This almost never happens seeing how the Internet is too addicting. I usually suffer through on the main computer in at least twice the amount of time it would take me on my own computer.

10:08 AM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

So it seems like your parents need to do something that would regulate your Internet habits more. There's gotta be a way to place a time limit on Internet usage on a computer?

I sincerely fear the technology that will be available to Nora when she's a teenager.

10:47 AM

Anonymous Kayla S 3AB said...

Technology is a huge distraction for teenagers, some more than others. I'm not very distracted by the internet. I don't have a facebook, so that isn't a distraction for me. I also don't play fantasy basketball... But I do text a lot. I have to pretty much hide my phone from myself or turn it off so I can concentrate on my homework.

I also want to connect this video to an article I read last year. The internet makes kids want constant stimulation and communication in the same way that pain pills and anxiety/depression pills teach kids that they never have to feel any pain ever. Its interesting how the two connect.

10:47 AM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Great comment about the connection between constant stimulation and pain pills. My big fear for people of your generation is their ability to concentrate on one task and master it to the best of their ability.

11:01 AM

Blogger Nolan F. said...

I actually know several people who have sent over 40,000 texts in on month, i dont know how they did it but they did.

In the past several months i have dropped my text numbers greatly since i dont text during class and i just find it boring and would rather talk to someone.

And facebook. i spend maybe 30 mins on it each day, and mostly to continue my on going pock wars, talk to distant family, and see when the next sweater thirsday theme might be, by the way its tomorrow.

10:50 PM

Anonymous Andrew Jordan said...

900 texts a day by that girl! That's absolutely ridiculous. How is that even possible? Some people need to calm it down a little bit.

10:56 AM

Anonymous Aran L. said...

I am a recovered text addict. And I also have the same problem of the Facebook/homework switch off. I've learned that the easiest way to cure this problem is to turn off the internet when i get home, do something to get my mind off it (I'm very forgetful) and then attempt typing up my homework. At this point, if I try to sneak on the internet, it isn't available and i have no choice but to continue my studying. It's quite effective.

8:29 PM

Anonymous rahul sharma said...

i think if u care about what important you will put it down for a second and get what has to be done....done

12:55 AM

Anonymous Cara C. said...

Personally I believe that the internet is a huge distraction for me. I spend almost all my time on the internet and then rush my work 10 min before class starts and I don't feel entirely satisfactory or I don't even finish it at all. Sometimes I have to be kicked off the computer at home so I can get stuff done.

4:50 PM


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