Sunday, January 30, 2011

IB US History students

Posted below are some questions will be discussing tomorrow in class. Please take some time to look over your notes from Units 1-6 so you can play an active role in the class discussion tomorrow. DO NOT POST COMMENTS for participation points. I'm posting the questions today so you can start thinking about your responses. Save your comments for tomorrow when you can help your participation grade in class.

The end point for each question is the year 1877.

1. What impacts did the creation of the Constitution have on the United States?

2. What role have minority groups played in American history?

3. How has war affected the U.S.?

4. How have efforts to reform and remake American society fared? (will want to about specific groups/people)

5. Which presidents have made a major impact on the nation? How have they impacted America?

6. Which event, person, or historical era stands out as the most significant thus far? Why?


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