Monday, April 25, 2011

Psych students

Take the IAT on race and post your results and some commentary about your results. Thanks.


Anonymous Niki Card 4A said...

I got "Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for European American compared to African American." as my result. I think it makes sense.
For some strange reason, I've always found it easier to look at a white person. Like, if I look at a black person, I might look at them the wrong way and get judged upon that or something. I think I'm almost afraid that they'll think that I'm staring.

7:25 PM

Anonymous Kayla said...

I got: "Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for European American compared to African American."

I'm pretty sure I'm not racist.

But I have to say, some of the African American faces were scary.

I'm not a psych student.

7:34 PM

Anonymous Malia C said...

Not Psych but I thought it'd be interesting to take: "Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American."

My results make me uncomfortable, but I'm not entirely surprised. The dominant media in my life has represented European-Americans more positively, and with less prejudice and stereotypes. Not that I'm faultless, and am trying to be at least more self-aware of my underlying prejudices and aware of the media around me. I hope I'll get better at that.

I think it'd be interesting to somehow incorporate other races and see what results come up for that. Or to also examine perceptions of those who are mixed race and what appears to people as Caucasian or not.

8:42 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


You're not in Psych??!??!?!? Wha?
Seriously, glad you and Kayla took the time to take part in the IAT.

Thanks for sharing your results!

9:38 PM

Blogger Bonnie said...

So the data says i have a "moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African Americans" i guess i kind of agree with that. i don't think i am racist but i have grown up around more white people, so it would make sense why i would recognize them faster.

5:54 PM


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