Thursday, March 08, 2012

Drug Tests for Poor People (3rd period discussion today)


Blogger The Margaret said...

What I don't understand about the article is that they are saying that this adds to the stereotype of poor people being druggies. However, if they really aren't, than won't that show in the drug test results? Nicole is probably one of the many people in the US who truly is struggling and is an honest human being and is the type of person who the welfare system was created for. However, there are bad people who abuse the system and use whatever money they can to buy drugs. I'm not saying that this is true for all poor people, I am saying that there are people who try to exploit a bad system. And that's who the drug test is for. And I'd want MORE money in the system so that hoenst people like Nicole can get this money versus someone who spends their income on weed and exploits the system.

5:59 PM

Blogger Harrison Le said...

Can you tell us again why you think that drug tests are unnecessary? Is it because it just impedes those who actually need the help? Or that it's such a false stereotype?

6:04 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

6:24 PM

Blogger Aurora said...

Drugs majority of the time limit your money, time, health, job opportunistys ect. so its logical that users would have less money. Now there are plenty of irresponsible parents that are not drug users but a good majority would be so that cuts some of the miss-users out of the system.

4:37 PM

Anonymous Thomas W. 3rd period said...

If poor people have to be drug tested, rich people should be too. Or to make things easier just don't test the people for drugs except in specific situations like sports, jobs, times when police get involved, etc.

9:59 PM


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