Friday, September 28, 2012

IA Update for the Weekend

Monday, Oct. 8:
You will type up the bibliography for your IA.

Oct 15:
You will type your Plan of Investigation. 


Have a great weekend. Get some sleep. Write outlines for your essay questions. Enjoy the sunshine because the rain is coming back soon. 

Here's a video to help get your weekend started.


Anonymous Daisy U 4th said...

That was painful watching.... It really did earn its title.

5:14 PM

Anonymous Gabe Ervin said...

wait where did he get the gun?

6:03 PM

Anonymous Gabi Guizar said...

If for some reason I am ever murdered, I'll try to get in one last laugh by dying like this.

Hopefully I don't get murdered though.

6:55 PM

Anonymous Austin H. B1 said...

The poor guy got shot five times; I wonder what he did to deserve such a moronic death.

7:31 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

That was terrible. Painful to watch for sure!

5:00 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

can we use online sources?
I'm having a hard time finding a primary source on paper.

6:36 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


You can use an online source. Just send me the link.

7:09 PM

Blogger Audrey said...

Haha that was really funny. The blood was coming out of his clenched fist!!!

8:02 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Thank You!!

10:58 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

hahaaha this was really funny to watch! Nice post Mr.carlisle!

11:53 AM

Anonymous Bryna C. 4 said...

That was really helpful thanks for the video!

1:07 PM

Anonymous Ivy R. Block 1 said...

Oh gracious, that was just awful. If I were murdered, I'd like to die in a more dignified way. Preferably in a film noir.

6:58 PM

Blogger Melissa Keenan said...

Funny how the first bullet didn't leave a hole on the front of his shirt....

4:34 PM


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