Thursday, October 18, 2012

IA Info Alert

If you want to use Turabian footnotes instead of MLA citations go here

Citation maker site


Summary of Evidence

How to write Part B of the paper:
1.   1. Only focus on your research paper notes that directly address your research question and your three points you will be making in Part D.
2.     Use bullet-point format.
3.     You will need 1.5 to 2 pages of typed bullet-point notes.
4.     EVERYTHING IN THIS SECTION IS CITED!  Every bullet-point should have at least 1 citation, because all of this information is coming from your sources.
5.     THIS INFORMATION, HOWEVER, NEEDS TO BE PARAPHRASED!  It cannot be written word-for-word or mostly word-for-word.  If it is, will indicate to me that it has been plagiarized, and you will receive NO CREDIT for it.
6.     Put a citation for each bullet-point of information at the bottom of the typed page.  You need to do this because you got the information from another source, even though you put it in your own words.  WHEN IN DOUBT, CITE!
7.     Use the correct bibliographic format for your citations as shown in the sample paper.  You must also include the page numbers if the source had them.  Refer closely to your sample paper and ask me questions as necessary.


Blogger Mika Greene said...

Are we working on it over the weekend too or do we have to finish it all in class?

7:17 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

You can, however, I'm going to give you time in the lab on Monday as well. I will let you know on Monday when Parts A and B will be due.

7:22 PM

Blogger Audrey said...

I have a few questions about paraphrasing, will we have time to go over that a little?

9:59 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Sure. We will have some time after we discuss tonight's reading.

10:04 PM


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