Friday, October 05, 2012

IB Amendment Debate Groups

You will get to sign up for one of these groups on Monday. Start thinking about which group you would like to join.

Amending the Constitution Class Debate

Issue 1: Flag Protection Amendment: would PROHIBIT the desecration of the flag during protest

Issue 2: Allow Prayer in Public Schools

Issue 3: No Longer Allow Automatic Citizenship of Children Born to Non-US Citizens (modifies part of the 14th Amendment)

Issue 4: Modify requirements to be a Senator or Representative

Issue 5: Modify Requirements to be President (allow non –natural born citizens to run for President)

Group 6: Fetus Protection Amendment: this amendment would limit a woman’s right to an abortion

Issue 7: Make Every Vote Count Amendment: abolish or alter the Electoral College

Issue 8: Outlaw the death penalty

Your group must come up with a clear and precise proposal for your Constitutional Amendment. Your Amendment should be clearly written on a piece of butcher paper. Everyone in your group should have a say in the way your Amendment is written. EVERYONE IN YOUR GROUP should be ready to present your Amendment to the class. Once the Amendment is presented, I will open the floor for arguments for and against your Amendment. Stand ready to defend your ideas!

In order for your Amendment to be ratified, it must be ratified by three-fourths of the class. 


Anonymous Cameron Yarnell said...

what happens if 3/4 of the class does not agree? Do we get docked points

6:00 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Don't sweat the small stuff Mr. Yarnell.

7:08 PM


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