I'm a native South Carolinian and I attained my undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of South Carolina. I taught fourth grade for two years in the Mississippi Delta and two years at an alternative high school in Western North Carolina. I have been at Tigard High School since the fall of 2003, where I teach U.S. History and Psychology.
3:33 PM
Nice work ladies.
5:03 PM
I wouldn't want too work next to his cubicle.
8:21 PM
Ew that's so disgusting.
11:38 AM
I've never heard of anything like this. I agree with Kelly.
1:23 PM
He should not be punished for that! Everyone farts!
3:21 PM
Thats really sad... and funny.
4:31 PM
it's funny how it says it was creating a "hostile work environment" haha. But in all honesty, i would not enjoy working with this person...
6:32 PM
LOL that guy's a boss
8:17 PM
I guess he took working in a NATURAL environment too seriously hahahahaha ..
yay for puns ...
9:15 PM
That is way too funny!!! I winder if he was just hardcore trolling, if not that pretty embarrassing!
12:14 AM
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