Monday, March 11, 2013

If you ever wanted to ice climb but were afraid to because of the risk involved, please don't watch this video.

Here's the story on the video. 


Blogger Unknown said...

"This makes me want to become a professional mountain climber!" - No one

3:55 PM

Anonymous Jennifer D. P4 said...

Well that certainly cements my desire to never try mountain climbing...

4:53 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

That is such a long and dangerous fall! Yikes! The scariest thing is that he will probably climb again. I would be way too traumatized!

5:12 PM

Anonymous Nick K. 1 said...

Wow.. That was crazy. I would be so scared especially since it was so long and there were rocks everywhere.

6:57 PM

Anonymous Gavin H. said...

That was horrible. I'm afraid of heights and falling so that wasn't really the best thing for me to watch. And it sounded so painful every time they hit a rock and made a loud crunch.

9:27 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Lucky man, might want to consider making some friends to bring along next time...

9:40 PM

Anonymous Kelly F. said...

o my, I can't believe he didn't yell or scream.

8:26 PM

Blogger JoGrassman said...

I never planned on ice climbing before, and now I definitely don't want to!

11:49 PM


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