Tuesday, February 04, 2014


Please think about these questions tonight and be prepared to discuss them in class tomorrow:

Are unions necessary in today's world as they were a century or more ago?

Are there certain occupations that should not have the right to strike? Why/why not?

Please read this article on teacher tenure and be prepared to share your thoughts tomorrow.  

Oh, here's how Chicken McNuggets are made. Enjoy.


Anonymous Kathryn G 4AB said...

"Why in the world did your teacher put that on your History class blog?" They just don't understand us like we do.

3:42 PM

Anonymous Quayone' W 4AB said...

I dont care what the mcnugget is made of, if its pink goop or real ground chicken, im still not eating at mcdonalds! Its gross!

6:36 PM

Anonymous j said...

why you gotta ruin chicken nuggets?

6:37 PM

Anonymous Jimmy H P4 said...

the comment above is jimmy ha

6:38 PM

Anonymous Kela A. 1AB said...

There is something suspicious about how clean and how normal the chicken looked.. I don't know if what we're learning about working conditions in the 19th century is affecting how I see factories but I keep expecting to see pink slime.

7:51 PM

Anonymous Devin D 4AB said...

Mmmmmm pink goop

9:16 PM

Anonymous Jessica J 4AB said...

I really didn't want to watch that video but I couldn't stop...

9:24 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

And the article too! The argument that prospective teachers would not join the teaching proffesion without being gaurenteed tenure is interesting. Who wants to be taught by a teacher who became a teacher for the job security?! That being said it's not as if there is no debt owed by society to teachers; but is it really the best thing for students to be taught by teachers who do not care about giving the best possible education to their students? Teachers deserve financial security but the question of tenure should, at least primarily, be focuses around what is best for students. The current system of tenure does not seem to tailor itself to that ideal.

10:22 PM

Anonymous Moose said...

Still gives you cancer.

3:21 PM

Anonymous Kaitlyn S. 1AB said...

I think that the pink goop and the actual chicken nugget ingredients were equally gross.

3:39 PM

Anonymous Lexia S. 1AB said...

I thought chicken nuggets were gross before, and now, after watching this video, I still do.

3:41 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Yea...I'm still not eating those chicken nuggets.

6:22 PM

Anonymous Jimmy H P4 said...

i think everyone should take time to appreciate jj's picture

6:36 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Hmmmmm, I didn't know anyone actually used Google for social media. Good to know.

7:18 PM


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