Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Adv. US History
1970s America

notes: Reform and Reaction:
Ralph Nader and the consumer protection movement
GM recall
the beginnings of the environmental movement in the US:
clips from Earth Days AE: Rachel Carson (17:31--23:25); Carter--Reagan (1:29:00--1:34:00)
Love Canal, NY
Three Mile Island
Keep America Beautiful ad
discussion about the BP oil spill and global warming
the fight for equal rights continues:
the Equal Rights Amendment
Title IX and high school sports
busing to achieve racial equality: clips from Eyes on the Prize about South Boston
affirmative action decision from the Supreme Court
report from UC Berkley
Colbert Report on recent decision
discussion: Is affirmative action still necessary?

Text pp. 908-12
Honors US History
Vietnam War

My Lai wrap up: 60 Minutes story on Hugh Thompson
1968 presidential election: Nixon interferes with the peace process
Nixon's secret plan to end the war; Vietnmaization
Mr. Nixon's War from DVD: 23:00--40:00
John Kerry speech before Congressional committee 
legacy of the war:
Agent Orange
last 12 minutes from Dear America

Text pp. 880-87


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