Wednesday, April 01, 2015


Honda has the car for you!


Anonymous Bridget said...

That totally defeats the purpose of Hondas drive safe moto... Haha sounds like an accident waiting to happen, but hey, atleast it will all be caught on camera, right?

9:51 PM

Blogger Sammie Jurdy said...

If I want a selfie I'll park and take one or have someone take one of me making it just a picture and not a selfie. I value my own life more than pictures. There's many days to come to take a photo. But once a life is gone. It's GONE. After that I'm not coming back. Because I'm gone. This just seems really stupid to me.

4:23 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for letting me know about this!!

7:34 AM

Anonymous Bryce W said...

This is offensive to humans.

11:30 PM


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