Tuesday, November 10, 2015




Blogger Sammie Jurdy said...

Sammie Jurdy
Results: Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

My results weren't all that surprising to me. Because I never grew up with many racial diverse friends and it was just Caucasians and some Hispanics. And I never really had a friend who was African American until last year when I got a job. That was my first exposure to someone who was different than me. Shes's awesome and a great friend I have now today.

11:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lauren Doan

Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

I'm somewhat surprised with my results because I have no preference. It makes me think about why that is and what made it that way. I have lots of African American family members and a couple of friends, but for the most part i'm not surrounded by a racial diverse group of people.

4:40 PM

Anonymous Larissa O said...

Larissa Otto

Your data suggests a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

I wasn't surprised by my results, because while my family is culturally diverse and open, I was raised in Tigard, which (at least regarding the people I know) is predominantly white. I would say I have a pretty racially diverse group of friends, though.

6:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Madison Sever

Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

I'm not that surprised because i grew up with mostly white friends and my parents haven't had many non white friends, so it makes sense that i would have a preference towards people i grew up around.

6:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lauren Turner

Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

I don't really have a problem with either race. I definitely have more white friends than any other race, but I do know some African American people and they are fun to talk to.

7:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

noah kasel

Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between European American and African American.

my results were not vary surprising, my family has always been non judgmental of any race, and i learned at at vary young age not to judge people off the color of there skin or background.
over the years my friends/acquaintances have been almost all races, so vary diverse.

8:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alli Krogh
Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for European American compared to African American.
My results were a little bit surprising because I have grown up in a family that does not discriminate against race. I do think that the fact that I was raised in a home and neighborhood where almost every person is of European American descent may have played a role. I have always learned to never judge somebody by skin color, clothing choice, or anything physical but to learn what they are like as a person.

9:10 AM

Anonymous Judith Gonzalez said...

Judith Gonzalez
Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for European American compared to African American.
My results surprised me a bit because I have never preferred a race over another and have always believed that everyone should be treated the same. In the family I grew up they have thought me to respect everyone because we're all human no matter our race,skin color, or ethnicity.

9:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fan Standlee


Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

2:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fan Standlee

I am not too much surprised because I am mostly surrounded by either Caucasians or Asians or Latina/Latino. I have no African American friends what so ever now and as I grew up.

2:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mattias Clayton

Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

I am a little surprised by my results but not really because I have all white family members and there is no diversity, we are all caucasian. I hang outside of school mostly with caucasians but I do have many other Minority acquaintances.

4:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jessica arroyo

Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for African American compared to European American.

i agree with my results because i tend to like all people no matter their color or race. My friend group i would say is made up of mostly hispanics. but that doesn't mean i look or treat any other race differently. i love meeting people of different races.

5:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brandon Eap

Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

I can understand if it's "slightly" because I've never grown up with African Americans in my life until recently, but "moderate" preference? I've been taught to not discriminate against anyone. I don’t like other people to be treated unfairly just because of what they’re born with or what they choose.

5:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kyra Beaman
My data suggests a strong automatic preference for European American children compared to African American children.
I genuinely think the reason I got the results I did had less to do with what race I preferred, and more to do with me confusing the buttons after they had been switched. I think if the questions were asked in the opposite order, I would have had opposite results.

6:31 PM

Anonymous Tehya Wronski said...

Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

This makes sense. I've spent most of my life around Caucasian people. The population in its self is more white than black so I've had very few experiences with African American people. But my aunt is mixed and I've had plenty of friends who are so. And those friends were always just as good to me as ones who look like me. I have absolutely nothing against African Americans, but the majority of my life I've heard stereotypes and have been around people of my race. So yes, I agree.

6:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hayden Mitchell
Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for European American compared to African American.
Not super surprising. The general population of every school I've gone to has been predominately white. But that is just the demographic of Oregon.

7:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bridget Taylor
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American.
My results do not correctly reflect my answers. I responded neutrally to all racial preference questions and not once favored any racial group. I attended a French private elementary school which contained primarily white European students; however, there were a few Asian and African American children and I never thought twice about their skin color. I had never personally met or had a Hispanic or Latino/a friend until I was in 7th grade, because no one of that racial group attended my school, but guess what? Now I'm dating a Mexican male. Race and ethnicity mean nothing. "Don't judge a book by its cover."

7:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nate Hargrave
Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

I think this data is somewhat accurate because yes being with other white people is preferable yet I would still love being around other races and still be comfortable with the surroundings. I was raised to be friends with everyone no matter who they are or what they do.

7:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cristina Nava

Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

This was slightly surprising but at the same time not. I have nothing against African Americans but I have had more interactions with white people compared to African Americans, this might have to do with the general population of schools being primarily white.

8:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeffrey Chapman

Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between European American and African American.

I don't understand why in the second section, I was asked so much about myself. Personality can be influenced by nurture but I don't understand why so much of the test was based on my personal info. I was surprised by my answer because I don't have as much relations with African Americans as I do European Americans.

8:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hailey Schlachter
Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for European American compared to African American.
My data was a little surprising, because although I have grown up in an all Caucasian family, with mostly Caucasian friends, I have always been taught to never discriminate someone, no matter their race, and I believe everyone should be treated equally.

8:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American.
my data was surprising to me. I have never thought much about race, I tend to look at a person personality than their race as something important. I truly believe that race should never be a factor when deciding on a friendship.

9:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

McKenzie Klein
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American.
I like both races equally so I am surprised by my results

10:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Breena Walburn

Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

This surprised me actually. I usually look for a person's sense of humor and how they treat others rather than the color of their skin. If you are nice to me, I'll be nice to you. No matter who you are.

12:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alyssa Bedard

Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for African American compared to European American.

I was surprised by my outcome. I have never cared about what race somebody is and I have always thought that race should not matter. My group of friends has lot of white people but is also very racially diverse because I have nothing against any race. As long as someone (whether they are my race or not) treats me respectfully, I will do the same.

8:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Izzy Marino

Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for European American compared to African American. My result kind of surprised me because i do not think that i strongly have a preference. I like everybody but, I think I do have a small preference though.

11:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aya Alani

Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between European American and African American.

My data didn't really surprise me much at all, because race doesn't matter to me. I have to know the person personally to know how I feel about them.

11:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for European American compared to African American." I disagree with this, I prefer everyone. if anything, i slightly prefer African Americans more than white- I'm not sure as to why this is.

11:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karim Bukres

Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between African American and European American.

This really didnt surprise me, i grew up in a racial diverese background. With family across the world. I have friends from different backgrounds or races. I mean the result seam to suit me, in my mind.

12:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taylor laws
Your data suggests little to no automatic preference between African American and European American

1:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for European American children compared to African American children.

I was not terribly supprised because most people have a slight racial biased twords their own group of people. Also that test is really old.

1:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kenna Reid
Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between European American and African American.

I completely agree because i don't care what you look like or what your religion is i will still talk to you and try to be friends.

8:29 PM


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