Friday, March 09, 2018

March 12-13

1. What efforts did President Eisenhower make to contain the spread of global communism (1952-60)?
2. How did the fear of nuclear attack impact American life in the 1950s?

notes: Cold War years under Eisenhower (1952-60)
Eisenhower and the Cold War ppt
Iran: 1953
CIA and Guatemala coup
Guatemala--1954--stop at 5:09
Sputnik I (show image from Cold War ppt)
Sputnik II
Eisenhower's New Look defense plan--1957
Eisenhower Doctrine
MAD; fear of the bomb
Greenbrier Hotel in West Virginia (first 10 minutes)
video clips from Atomic Cafe
Nuke Map
video clip:
President Eisenhower warns against the military-industrial complex
video clip: Vice; season 4; episode #14 on America's nuclear arsenal

p. 849: baby boom
pp. 852-53 (Car culture)
pp. 854-55 (consumer culture)
pp. 861-62: Rock 'n' Roll


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