May 7-8
How did women and gays/lesbians make advances in social equality in the 1960s?
Unit 7 Quest
finish discussion on women's rights/issues:
male privilege checklist
Title IX and women's sports
Army Rangers accept women
Princeton Mom
clip from Miss Representation on women in politics and depictions in the culture
10 hours walking in NYC
misogyny in the media
Women's soccer and pay equity
MeToo era--harassment in the workplace
timeline of the struggle for LGBT equality
video clips from 1960s DVD:
gays/lesbians struggle for acceptance in the U.S.
Stonewall Riots
Ryan White--AIDS
Matthew Shepard's murder --1998
LGTQ pop in US today
legal protections for gays and lesbians
video clip: transgender students in high schools
Read pp. 936--38; 940-41
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