Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Jan. 17-18

How did the USG and the American people respond to the Great Depression?
Who were the major critics and what were their criticisms of the New Deal?

finish First New Deal Powerpoint (if applicable)
video clip: 100 Days of legislation (19:17--27:00-ish) First 100 Days (Glass-Steagall/Emergency Banking Relief Act, CCC, NIRA, Federal Securities Act, and TVA)
Great Depression Notes quiz
letters to the Roosevelts
letters to Obama-2011
Obama letters-2017
Second New Deal--1935--complete New Deal PPT
video clips:
African Americans left out of the New Deal
Second New Deal (1935-38)
Liberty League
Huey Long and Father Charles Coughlin
"A traitor to his class..."
1936 re-election speech: I welcome their hate!
1936 election results
1937 Court Packing Plan
1938--New Deal comes to an end

review notes/essay prep


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