Saturday, December 21, 2019

Jan 7-8

see powerpoint

notes--1920s America Part II
I. Prohibition
discussion questions
video clip: Disc #1: 
5:39-9:41 (Americans love of alcohol)

primary docs: Why did Prohibition happen?  
Prohibition in 1920 
Disc #2:
Prohibition in reality: two legal ways to procure alcohol (15:40-19:56)
Fight against Moonshine in KY: (35:00--39:33)
Bootlegging/distribution of alcohol (1:08-1:17:20)  

Disc #3:
speakeasies: 4:30--12:38
Al Capone and Prohibition's impact on women in the 1920s: (28:17---39:44)

Klan docs 
video clip from Gates/Reconstruction DVD-"Birth of a Nation"  
video clip: KKK's resurgence in the 1920s
Klan titles quiz
Klan symbols 

Nativism Docs
video clip: immigration and racism 
video clip: President Trump's merit based immigration plan
video clip: alt-right explained
video clip: white nationalists today--Richard Spencer interview
video clip: Frontline documentary on Charlottesville (first 15 mins) 

III. Battle over Evolution: Scopes Monkey Trial--1925
notes: Scopes Monkey Trial in Tennessee
video clip: student prayer in Louisiana 

1920s notes quiz next class (see study guide)


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