Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Please check out these links and post comments with your reflections on each site.




The first two sites feature some activities with memory while the last one will you give more information on Alzheimer's Disease.


Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

John and Kyle,

Thanks for checking out the websites. I hope you enjoy that article on repressed memories.

5:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the whole what we recognize about the face first was really interesting. The fact that hair is first noticed, then eyes, then nose... and so on.

the earliest memories were really neat to look at too. a lot of people had some interesting childhood memories.


5:27 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


I really like the earliest memories too. Thanks for posting.

7:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

carlisle, I had to tell you..my first psych test is tommorrow and the prof gave us possible essay questions, I was thinking maybe 3. No, we got SIXTEEN!!!! AHHHHH! So pretty much I have to go prepare those...all of those...luckily some of it is on Pavlov's dog, etc....have a good one,-TREVA

7:53 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Good luck with your Psych exam. Hope my class pays off for you.

7:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice sites they were pretty interesting and helpfull wit alot of the terms.. I like the if you were to rob a bank thing to

-chris kubik

6:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey calisle, the sites were pretty cool. It's pretty cool that goats brain are kind of like ours, but they are alot smaller than ours.

7:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ross. A
thoses sites were pretty neat. i really like the robing the bank on and all about how hair is noticed first. was pretty sweet. also i tried that coin thing again and i still go it wrongthe first like 3 times. darn pennies. well all see you tomorrow mr. c. later

7:51 PM

Blogger Michael said...

Hey, those sites were pretty cool. I didn't know hair would make a person look so much different. I like the 2nd site, it helped me remember some vocab for accounting.

cya tomorrow
-Michael S

8:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey clarlisle
I was realy interested in the artist profile of Franco Magnani. How he could paint and draw his childhood neighborhood almost exactly. Talk about a picture perfect memory! :p

-Elyse p.4B

9:37 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Thanks for the comments guys. Sheep brains are great for breakfast too!

7:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's cool oh here is a cool thing Thursday September 21, 2006

How long does an average dream last?

Although it may seem like we're dreaming from the instant we fall asleep until the moment we wake up, the average visit to Neverland is actually far shorter.
According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, people spend an average of two hours dreaming each night. Dreams "almost always" occur during REM sleep, when the body experiences "rapid eye movement, loss of reflexes, and increased pulse rate and brain activity."

Your ability to remember your dreams depends a lot on your personality. Newsweek explains that introverts tend to remember their nocturnal adventures better than extroverts. In terms of the subject matter, males and females often dream about the same things. Again according to Newsweek, 73% of men and 74% of women have dreamed of falling.

OK, but how long does an average dream last? Depending on who you ask (or which site you visit), a dream can last anywhere from a matter of seconds to 45 minutes. We were unable to find an official answer, but this post from AnswerBag claims dreams last "about 15 minutes on the average." Dream Moods states people dream one to two hours per night, fitting in about four to seven dreams.

If, like us, you're wondering why you dream about showing up naked to piano recitals, these dream interpreters may help you find some answers.

will did u like it

by: brandon puckett 4a psycoga

7:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I checked out the links. My favorite was the one about the different hair style. I didn't know hair could change your look so much.
Shelby G.

4:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Those sites were really cool, especially the memory page with the turiouls and all that cool stuff.


11:32 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey carlisle...so guess what. i rented memento and i have got to say that it was one of the most confusing movies i've ever seen! but at the same time really good. oh, and i looked at the sites and played some of the games. neat stuff.

12:21 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Glad to hear you rented it. Watch it again and maybe you can figure it out. Do you think he got the killer? Was his wife even killed??

Memory is a strange thing...

2:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Carlisle just want to let you know that i checked all the links. they are pretty cool and infromative.

-Kyle W. 4A

7:07 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Nice job Kyle. Keep up the good work in class. I really like the effort you're putting forth in class. See you Monday pm.

8:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hay here is a site for the dreams
http://www.stanford.edu/~dement/dreams.html its a cool site just take a look if you have time.

10:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hay here is a site for the dreams
http://www.stanford.edu/~dement/dreams.html its a cool site just take a look if you have time. brandon p 4a class

10:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

its me i fond a col site http://www.dreamgate.com/dream/library/ for the kids in class to take a look and you two. brandonp 4a

10:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sites were pretty cool, they were all busy sites with lots to do. They were pretty entertaining actually, but yeah I agree with kyle about the 5 missing card trick.

1:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The droodles were fun

6:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Mr. carlisle. i looked at some of the links and i'll be sure to remeber when i am robbing a bank to wear a wig.
psych 4b

9:01 PM


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