Monday, September 25, 2006


Here's a link about line-ups:

Tell me what you think.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to the was interesting. I agree with what it said about the people picked for the lineup. The "fillers" need to look at least somewhat like what the offender looks like, otherwise it's too easy to pick them out.
P.S. I like it when you leave links to look at, it's fun.

3:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

same iam 2end prosnon to comment have fun 9-26-06 ok carlsle.
brandon p 4a class

5:10 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Excellent observations as always. Glad someone likes the links. Keep up the excellent work!

6:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of the pictures didnt even look like the desciption of the suspect at all. Im pretty sure there was a bald man in a lineup that said that the suspect had braided hair.

6:43 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Thanks for the comments. You're doing a great job of speaking up in class and I really appreciate that. Keep up the good work.

8:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think its rediculous that they dont put similar lokking people in the lineup, it just makes sense that poeple will single one person out, even if they cant truly recognize him.

10:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

^collin wright..

10:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well the first one was weird because you could totally tell who the guy was because there was only like one guy with braids...but then like the 2nd one was hard..becuase i thought he would look fat instead of thin like the guy said.

i like the links


7:56 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Thanks for the comment Amy! Thanks for taking the time to look at the link. Have a great night.

8:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to the link. It semed obvious who the people were in the line-ups based on their description. Very interesting.
Shelby G. (4b)

6:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm....i think that line ups and eye witness accounts should not be evidence in cases anymore, or play a small role. the guys look so much alike and once you see them all, you would not be able to identify any of them with 100% unless you forgot about the crime they were commiting and focused only on there face. but as far as the guys in the line up it was pretty easy to find who it was because we never saw them and only knew the information provided which made the right man stick out. thats all but i think we should have more circle discusions in class. see you tomorrow!!!

8:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow I didn't know it was that detailed to make a lineup, I just figured it was men they chose who might have done the crime! I didn't know anything about "fillers" before! Interesting stuff

9:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow great link. i dont like the eyewitness line up deal very much any more. i didnt really think about it tell tht video and tht link. i think we should go more towards how great brittan runs the show. just cut it out all together it might help save alot of inocent people. well see u in class mr. c.

6:51 AM


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