Monday, May 14, 2007

May 14

US History

opening sequence of Saving Private Ryan
Band of Brothers: Day of Days

25-3 TQ
Psychology (14-15)
Mental Disorders

discussion: Kip Kinkel
video: school shooters
discuss school shooter TQ
video: mentally ill and guns

review notes


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo mr. Carisle

i just went to the dentis and i thought i would be ok enough to come to class thats why i had them make the appontment for the morning , i even tryed to have them set it up for tomorrow but he had messed up on my tooth so badly that they need me in ASAP , so now my left side of my face is numb and it looks like i had a stroke LOL one half of my face smiles the other half doesnt i look sexy j/k any way i dont think i will make it to class but if you have notes can you email them to me and can we set a time up for me to come in and watch the videos i am missing to day , i have 4th period off tomorrow if that helps. i am sorry agian

-joanie sautner 4th A-days (i will be checking here in like 20mins for you write back)

12:51 PM


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