Thursday, January 03, 2008

Obama Wins Iowa-History in the making?

Obama and Huckabee win Iowa! Read about here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll give him props for making history but this caucus disappointed me somewhat.

9:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word Nicole.

Watching it on Fox great fun as well... It was rancid putrid trash!

10:05 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Kyle and Nicole,

Why are you disappointed? Who did you want to win?

10:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carlisle, if you had to choose a republican and democrat to be president who would you vote for? You can say both so you don't give away your political identity.

10:51 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


That's a tough one, but I will do my best.

Republican: Probably John McCain.

Democrat: Either Edwards or Obama.

11:02 PM

Blogger Casey said...

For the Democrats, I'm not that surprised, Obama has been strong in Iowa the past couple months, Only thing I was surprised about was how close Edwards and Hillary are for 2nd place.

11:15 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Can't wait to see what happens in New Hampshire on Tuesday. Good night all.

11:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Edwards! Though Obama is a good guy of course... I was also surprised to how close Clinton and Edwards were. With all the money she put it, and her name recognition I thought she'd have a bit more, but what a pleasant surprise...

But in the end, almost whoever gets the democratic nomination, Edwards, Kucinich, Obama, Clinton, Richardson, or even perhaps the little known Mike Gravel, will probably get my support... Best chances of stopping or slowing the madness and apprehending Americas destruction and downfall...

Edwards/Kucinich 2008?

11:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say I agree with you Mr Carlisle. I like Obama and Mccain seems like he'll do what he says he will.

I saw a video yesterday about the federal reserve and the income tax and how they are both illegal and unconstitutional. There is no law that says anyone who earns income within the United States has to pay income tax. Income is defined as money as business or corporation makes. What's your opinion on this?

11:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


If you want to stop the madness, support Ron Paul!

Haha, just kidding, I how you feel about Dr. Paul...

11:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kyle, the thing i don't like about Edwards is the fact that he tries to invoke class warfare. He gets middle class people to hate the rich. I agree with him when he says that we should stop special interests' hold on politicians though. Thats gotten out of hand.

12:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha, well... I understand your view, and under certain circumstances I would... The rest of the Neo-reps block him out, he stands out and seems the truest to me, but I still don't... I don't think he has malicious intent like some others.

12:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The previous comment was to Stephen...

To Max: Yea, I can say that I've seen it too. He is passionate and I agree with his views... So he may be harsh, but at least he's not jumping around it being softball or wimpy, he is saying it. And Obama brings it to, but more against the corporate grip on America

12:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max, if you're concerned with money, check out Ron Paul!

12:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and I've seen that video too... It is scarey stuff, but I don't know weather to believe it or not, if parts of it are true then I am scared, but if I neglect it, "what if" still haunts my mind.

A debt based currency system always fails! I don't trust the Fed. Reserve...

12:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Under further study and research, the video isn't as cut and dry as i had originally thought. It has some good points but i dont know how valid it is. Still, what is your opinion on this matter, Mr. Carlisle?

12:23 AM

Blogger Casey said...

"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;" - Article I, Section 8, Clause 1.

The constitution says that Congress has the power to tax. Therefore, taxes (including income taxes) are 100% constitutional.

2:20 AM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Don't any of you sleep?!?


I would need to have a link to the video you speak of. However, anti-gov't wingnuts have been trying for years to avoid paying federal income taxes. I really don't understand how they have a Constitutional leg to stand on. You seem to be really, really anti-tax.

Regarding your dislike of John Edwards b/c you claim he incites class warfare, I have news for you, Republicans do it too, but more towards racial issues (see immigration). If one is extremely cynical one could think the following: it would be truly scary if poor whites, poor Hispanics, poor African Americans, etc. all decided to vote for a certain candidate. The last candidate that had appealed to people of all races like that was Robert F. Kennedy in 1968. He was killed by an assassin's bullet.

Do you not think class divisions are real? I don't think America wants to dwell on the poor and issues of poverty. Poverty is real and nasty and it exists. I have seen it first hand. I have lived in the midst of it in the Mississippi Delta. My father came from it in rural North Carolina. So, should politicians avoid speaking about it?

8:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like Kyle I also want Edwards for the Democratic candidate. I was also disappointed by this caucus because I don't like Huckabee. Or Romney. Or...really anyone else besides Edwards.

Obama is okay but I still don't have full confidence in him.

12:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm for letting people keep as much of their income as possible. This does not mean I want no taxes. The tax system is set up in such a way that it discourages growth. I've been reading books about how to become rich and it talks about how you have to earn "unrealized income" such as capital gains and investments to become wealthy because of the heavy tax burden and have to keep down your "realized income" which gets taxed a lot more heavily.
Most people earn "realized" income which is why this disproportionally benefits the rich. This doesn't mean that people who aren't as well off can't do this too. The individual makes the best choice with their money as opposed to the government. All they need is to be educated in finances. This is why I think we need mandatory financial training classes in schools. Most Americans are in debt and don't know how to control their spending for things they don't need. Think about this for a second. Who spends Bill Gate's money more wisely and efficiently? Bill Gates or Nancy Pelosi? I think we know the answer to this.

I dont believe we should punish people for making good investment choices and saving their money in 401 ks. By punishing i mean excessive taxing.

1:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well sure class divisions are real. I just think the rich are portrayed in a bad light. People think of the stereotype of the greedy rich person who only cares about money and wants to screw middle class people over, but most rich people aren't like that.

I learned from reading that most millionaires are like you and me. They dress in normal clothes, drive normal cars, and live in average size houses. The only difference is that they saved their money and didn't spend beyond their means. These people could be your or my neighbor. Are these really the people that we are supposed to hate? Why should we hate people that were risk takers and made good choices?

I think all that people need is financial knowledge so they can become financially independent without the government's help. This could help poorer people a lot.

Yes Republicans do use people's dislike of illegals as a campaign issue. Thats not question. I think the flow of illegals needs to be stopped though. I don't think its fair to give all of the illegals amnesty while others are waiting in line to become legal citizens the right way. Some people see no problem with letting the illegal immigrants stay here. I do have a problem with it. Would it be fair for me to sneak into Canada and get free health care even though i haven't paid for it? I think a lot of people would have a problem with that.

1:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is the video i was telling you about, Mr. Carlise.

let me know what you think.

2:24 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


I couldn't disagree with you more on the tax code. The U.S. has one of the lowest tax burdens in the industrialized world. You also have to factor in the myriad of ways that people with lots wealth can avoid paying their taxes in the first place. Textbook example, have a "legal residence" in WA state (no income tax) but live in Oregon (no sales tax).

I don't think the gov't is penalizing people who have 401ks at all. I have a 524 account and the gov't doesn't penalize me.

The central question is this: how much should people pay for what political philosphers call "civil society"?

Another thing you should consider is how much help the state (i.e., local, state, and federal gov'ts) give to large corporations. Poor people aren't the only ones on welfare.

2:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that and I dont think we should have corporate welfare. Maybe for hard times but then and only then. It should be temporary as well. I think everyone should pay the same percent in taxes. Maybe somewhere in the range of 15-25%? Having it simple would make it better.

3:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be better if you lived in washington so you didnt have to pay property tax but shop in oregon with no sales tax. you wouldnt have to pay income tax in washington either.

9:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im going to have to disagree with you Mr Carlisle. I just looked it up and it says that the U.S has the 3rd highest tax rate in the industrialized world for corporations. We are 3rd only to Germany and Japan. We have a rate of 39.3% when you factor in state taxes as well.

As for individuals, the highest rate is 35%. Thats is a big percentage of money to give away in my opinion. It may be lower than other countries but who cares? Thats still an incentive to hide money away and not earn it through realized income.

1:04 AM


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