Monday, May 05, 2008


Here are some amazing pictures that illustrate the devastation that was unleashed by the dropping of the atomic bomb.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


i really wonder why they chose hiroshima..

they're mostly civillians..right?

awsome pictures btw..

7:33 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


You will find out the U.S. gov't chose Hiroshima and Nagasaki tomorrow. If I forget to tell the class, please REMIND me.

7:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

whyyyyy citizens????? why couldnt the US drop the bomb at a military base or something like that...

o by the way, after reading the text book, i made the conclusion that everytime the US try to intervene in someone elses' affairs, they end up failing such as trying to go against mao zedong, korean war, vietnam war, and maybe now the Iraq war....the US should stay out of peoples' bizzzneessss

7:47 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


You raise some very good points about wars of intervention.

7:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those look like Hollywood special effects almost because they're SO dramatic. It's scary to believe that really happened and that it's not special effects. I can't imagine how pissed off America would be if that happened here. I don't think that would make us back down...that would just make us want to fight more.

8:11 PM

Blogger Casey said...

Hey Carlisle, I just found out my mom scheduled a doctor's appointment for tomorrow, so I'm going end up missing some (possibly all :( ) of your class. I'll come in during lunch to see if there was a reading quiz.

I don't want to miss your class D:

Can you like videotape it and give me a copy?

8:13 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

I agree with you Charlotte, however, I fear for our Constitution if that ever happens here.


Bummer about tomorrow. Two words--action packed.

8:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Killing civilians is a lovely tactic for breaking the backs and wills of countries, I see why it could be done, however arguably wrong it was.

And John, the reason why I think wars of intervention are bad, is not simply because they don't work. Because not doing something just cause it doesn't usually work out nicely is not a good enough reason. But because they are usually wrong in principle and intent in the first place.

8:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cant think which pictures look worse. Holocaust or these. Both are pretty bad. I get angry at the Nazi's for doing it but then I see that we did close to the same thing. It may not be the same in numbers but the bodies and devistation look the same in the pictures I see.

8:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, it looks just like the Holocaust. I had no idea how devastating the bomb actually was because I have never seen picture of it before. I mean, i knew it was gnarly but that is really bad. And there are people just standing around LOKING at all those bodies too...that is so terrible. Innocent citizens shouldn't ever have to be involved in war and its effects.

9:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

why did Robert Capp wait so long to publish them? And why 10 years after he donated them? Doesn't make sense...

10:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so absolutely frustrates me that the US did that.
That definately changed my mind about dropping the bombs

10:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are quite graphic. I'm very torn about whether or not I support the Atomic Bomb. It just seems like there could have been something better.

12:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

whaaat the heeck.

these pictures are pretty depressing. i agree how it's just so immoral. it really does disappoint me how the U.S. did that, it makes it seem like they didn't consider the civilians.

9:04 PM


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