Monday, March 23, 2009


Blogger AC said...

I love that last comment, "It probably has nothing to do with the large stick he is leaning on."

Carlisle, where do you get this stuff?

12:42 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

If he told you Alexander, he'd have to kill you.

By the way, is there Peer Court today? If so, is it at 4:30?

12:54 PM

Blogger Unknown said...


2:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya the last comment is perfect. people are so gullible these days, they probably think he's really levitating. suckers.

11:09 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

dang he must have incredible arm strength.

8:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's crazy!! how DOES he do it?!?!

and the academy of magical science sounds made up! like the "University of South Carolina" i mean, who comes up with this stuff?

10:20 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

You know what, Victor, when I google "Academy of Magical Sciences" the second result is "University of South Carolina"! Interesting indeed

10:32 PM

Blogger earth ryu (will dewald) said...

i didnt know that there was an academy of magical sciences in india, or anywhere. id like to do some college visitation to that place

10:55 AM

Anonymous Derrick White said...

Where ever this guy has trained, you know that this guy has to have a lot of focus and balance. Especially if he just sits like that all day.

5:36 PM

Anonymous erika said...

hahahahahahaha what the heck!!!! i wanna know how long he stays up there

2:47 PM


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