Tuesday, April 14, 2009

4th quarter begins!!

Adv. US History
Great Depression

groups present (three groups will go today and tomorrow)
notes: Harder Times

Text pp. 714-18; 722-27
Psychology (14-15)
Social Psych

return/discuss Unit 3 exam
preview Unit 4
discuss the basics of social psych
stereotype activity and discussion
Stuff White People Like

Implicit Association Test (click on Race IAT, you may do other IATs as well)

Shooter Test

Stuff White People Like


Blogger Unknown said...

I got little to no preference between african american to european people. I think its because I have friends who are black and I'm familiar with the group. I might be a little more racist toward latinos to be hones. Im gonna take that test to see.

10:11 AM

Anonymous Alex Jennison said...

I got moderate preference to Europeans, I didn't think I was racist but I guess the test doesn't lie. I'd like to see a Xenophobic take that test

12:15 PM

Anonymous Joseph Nelson said...

I got moderate preference to African-Americans. well i guess i am racist towards my own kind. but I understand because my parents are African- American so I growing up with out the stereotypes, and i can tell there false to.

5:01 PM

Anonymous huy said...

find something bit random..but have to do with the brain... delete it if you don't like it.

Can you read this?

Only 55% of people can.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

5:11 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Your parents are African American? I had no idea.


I can totally read that. It reminds me of bad essays I have graded.

5:58 PM

Blogger Joseph said...

I love Stuff White People like. It's so unbelievably true as well.

6:24 PM

Anonymous Elli M 1A said...

"Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for European American compared to African American." The test was very interesting but I feel like I chose slower when they swapped the sides labeled "African-American" and "European" so I just had to think longer about which button to click, not because I prefer white people.

7:17 PM

Anonymous Olivia Hier said...

"Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African Americans."
I didn't like this test! Every time I got a big X I felt really bad if it had to do with the African American side... if that makes any sense. Ugh. I don't really believe it to be honest.

For the Shooter Game I got..
"Your Score: 430
Average reaction time:
Black Armed:723.36ms
Black Unarmed:811ms
White Armed:705.32ms
White Unarmed:736.48ms"

This was an interesting game, and it took me a shorter time to "shoot" the white guys with the guns. I thought it was interesting that they used all males, I wonder if the outcome would be different if there were all females.

10:23 PM

Blogger Casey said...

I apparently have a slight preference to Europeans. I do sometimes feel more uncomfortable around African-Americans, but that's usually because they are dressed like gangbangers. I get uncomfortable around white people dressed like that also. I guess I just subconsciously associate that with African-Americans.

For the shooter test:

Your Score: 520
Average reaction time:
Black Armed:603.2ms
Black Unarmed:684.36ms
White Armed:603.44ms
White Unarmed:676.08ms

Considering I'm going into the Army, I guess it's a good thing I can quickly distinguish between friend and foe <_<

11:55 PM

Anonymous Mitchell Dean said...

"Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American."

thats my result whatever it's suppose to mean. i'd like to know how the test decides how racist you are.

3:32 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


As I stated in class today, it doesn't tell you if "you're racist." It looks for hidden bias.

3:36 PM

Anonymous Megan Witkop said...

"Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American".
When they switched the sides and words around i got confused and it took me longer to answer and then sometimes i would think i was going to the right side but then it was wrong.

The shooter game:

Your Score: 680
Average reaction time:
Black Armed:645.44ms
Black Unarmed:710.68ms
White Armed:655.76ms
White Unarmed:691.24ms

This was an interesting game.

4:11 PM

Anonymous Kacey Christensen said...

i have a moderate preference to europeans than african americans.

i bet they would have different results if all the pictures of the african americans weren't mug shots.

4:39 PM

Anonymous Nicole M. 3B said...

For the IAT game, my results were:

"Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American."

For the shooter game:

Game Over
Your Score: 325
Average reaction time:
Black Armed:682.48ms
Black Unarmed:805.32ms
White Armed:707.6ms
White Unarmed:762.76ms

....except keep in mind that I kept confusing which keys were which when playing both games. Oops…

9:30 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

Hi Nicole!

When I did this (a while back) I got something like strong automatic preference for european americans or something. Which I find interesting.

10:10 PM

Anonymous Alex J said...

Game Over
Your Score: 675
Average reaction time:
Black Armed:621.92ms
Black Unarmed:785.2ms
White Armed:674.76ms
White Unarmed:713.92ms

I lost time when I was laughing at the fat white men ackwardly holding guns and the black people trying to look as agressive as possible with theirs

12:14 PM

Anonymous avery hunt 3b said...

i guess i'm racist?
i moderately prefer European American s to African American

4:29 PM

Anonymous Kayla Moore 3B said...


"Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for European American compared to African American."

and for the shooter game...

"Your Score: 110
Average reaction time:
Black Armed:710.8ms
Black Unarmed:968.52ms
White Armed:700.36ms
White Unarmed:926ms"

about half the time i was "too slow" when i was playing the shooter game haha

6:56 PM

Anonymous tom l said...

Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

8:14 PM

Anonymous Mitchell Dean said...

ok my bad, how does it fond your hidden biases?

8:50 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Here's some more information:


10:19 PM

Anonymous Nick Watt said...

I got the preference of Europeans over African-Americans
That test was complicated

5:20 AM

Anonymous Austin Dehn P.d 3B said...

I found that I had a faster reaction time shooting black armed men.It was really hard to tell sometimes what they were holding and I had to make a guess.

3:42 PM

Anonymous mariah campbell said...

i have a strong automatic preference for white people compared to black people.

hmmmm, probably explains why i dont have any black friends. i dont feel like i'm racist or bias. totally subconscious.

+ for the shooter thing,
Your Score: -215
Average reaction time:
Black Armed:551.12ms
Black Unarmed:626.84ms
White Armed:539.48ms
White Unarmed:572.44ms

i suck at that game ^^

7:38 PM

Anonymous Kari J said...

Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between European American and African American.

hmm well i guess thats good lol! i thought it was interesting the picture where without color, so recognition came completely from knowing the difference in facial structures

9:21 PM

Anonymous Haylee said...

Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

As far as my attraction to a certain race, it is totally acurate, I have always been more atracted to "white people" more than any other color of skin. HOWEVER... As for how I get along with or treat races it is not close at all, I do everything in my power to be equal to all. But like I said before the attraction part is dead on...sadly.

7:45 PM


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