Sunday, October 18, 2009

Not surprised by this announcement at all. What do YOU think should happen to the parents?


Blogger Daniel said...

I don't think the parents knew that it was a hoax. For that reason, I don't think the parents should be held responsible. Kids do stupid things. I mean seriously, the parents called the police because they thought their kid was in danger.

3:07 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Uh, it was a HOAX! That means the PARENTS planned this whole event. The kid was no where near the balloon.

3:17 PM

Blogger Bridget Brooks said...

I think they should NOT have children. At all.

4:00 PM

Blogger Rimma said...

Ouch, Bee. Isn't the mom just kind of overshadowed by the idiot dad's influence? I think the father masterminded this whole thing and convinced his wife that it was a good idea. As if in today's technologically run society, nobody would find out it was a hoax. Plus, they met at acting school. I mean, really? You call yourself an amateur scientist? It's good the kids probably won't be charged because it's not their fault the parents convinced them to do anything.

4:15 PM

Blogger Bridget Brooks said...

I feel bad for the kid's future... like you said Rimma, it's not his fault his parents suck. :(

4:31 PM

Blogger Daniel said...

OK. Yeah, the parents should go to jail, or at least get sued. Yes, their kids should be taken away. At first when it said hoax, I thought it meant prank. Definitely a different connotation.

4:56 PM

Anonymous Yadira Trujillo said...

The father should go to jail, but the wife shouldn't be in the same trouble as her husband. I also feel like the children should stay with the mom, but the government should watch over them more, not in foster care though.

5:11 PM

Blogger John Sarvay said...

I'm thinkin that the parents should have to pay the full amount of whatever it cost to chase the balloon, time and fuel for the helicopters. I also think that the dad should spend some time in jail or have to do a lot of community service for disrupting the airport and for what he did in general. I don't think that the kids should be taken away, however, because I don't think the kids want to go through any more than they have already.

8:37 PM

Anonymous Priya said...

The parents should definitely go to jail or at least get fined a lot. The consequence needs to be pretty severe since they got the national guard involved. If they wanted publicity they could have gone on a reality tv show instead of being a drain to society. The whole thing is pretty ridiculous. It wasn't the kids' fault since their dad probably forced them to go along with the plan and they didn't have a choice.

11:13 PM


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