Friday, January 22, 2010

Adv. US History

Adv. US History
The West

final tribe presents
notes: Reluctant Conquerors
Chief Joseph graded discussion
Frontier House

Text pp. 474-82


Blogger Rimma said...

hi. i don't understand the first question on the graded discussion. Given the outbreaks of violence between whites and Native Americans that occurred after Chief Joseph and his people left the Wallowa Valley, how can we best assess responsibility for what happened? Consider the roles played by the US government, the army, and Native American leaders and tribesmen.

I don't get it. Assess what?

9:49 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Essentially the question is asking you to determine who is ultimately responsible for the violence that took place against Chief Joseph and his people. Was it totally the fault of the Nez Perce? Whites? Federal gov't?

10:33 PM


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