This is unacceptable. This is obviously just the parents decision not the students. It seems the parents are still making the rules when these students are old enough to think for themselves. I agree they should protest. The parents are riddiculous! Why keep the proms segragated when their own children are friends with them?
How come nobody steps up and says anything to the schools to try and stop the segregation and combine the proms? Especially since it's obviously drawing national attention.
Wow. i cant believe that. I didnt think that segregation was around like this anymore. And i dont mean that i wasnt aware people were still racist. I mean come on, its the SCHOOL prom. It should have intergrated proms.
This is unbelievable. It is daunting that some forms of racial segregation still exist in America, even after 40+ years of integration. I strongly believe that "traditions" such as this should be stopped. I also agree that the parents are at fault and that what Thurber is doing is ridiculous.
I'm a native South Carolinian and I attained my undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of South Carolina. I taught fourth grade for two years in the Mississippi Delta and two years at an alternative high school in Western North Carolina. I have been at Tigard High School since the fall of 2003, where I teach U.S. History and Psychology.
This is ridiculous. The students should protest both proms.
3:33 PM
This is unacceptable. This is obviously just the parents decision not the students. It seems the parents are still making the rules when these students are old enough to think for themselves. I agree they should protest. The parents are riddiculous! Why keep the proms segragated when their own children are friends with them?
3:49 PM
How come nobody steps up and says anything to the schools to try and stop the segregation and combine the proms? Especially since it's obviously drawing national attention.
4:15 PM
This is very unnerving. Almost as unnerving as Thurber not letting us get out of class 20 minutes early for a well-deserved pizza party!
4:48 PM
Wow. i cant believe that. I didnt think that segregation was around like this anymore. And i dont mean that i wasnt aware people were still racist. I mean come on, its the SCHOOL prom. It should have intergrated proms.
4:59 PM
It's really pathetic that there are some parts of the United States that are 140+ years behind on something as simple as a school dance.
6:24 PM
This is unbelievable. It is daunting that some forms of racial segregation still exist in America, even after 40+ years of integration. I strongly believe that "traditions" such as this should be stopped.
I also agree that the parents are at fault and that what Thurber is doing is ridiculous.
7:55 PM
I think the parents do that because it is the only time of the year they can control who their kids are with.
11:06 PM
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