Thursday, January 05, 2012



1. You only need to study/review information on the Fugitive Slave Act for tomorrow's essay. You will need to cite two pieces of outside information and use two of the documents from your test to answer the essay question.

I strongly encourage you to bring your book tomorrow so you can get a head start on your large weekend reading assignment. We go to war on Monday!


Blogger #66chamberlain#68 said...

How do we cite the outside information?

7:12 PM

Blogger Christian Wong said...


"I was thinking about painting the walls with excrement," (Carlisle, lecture).

"The public school system is an orgy of didacticism," (Teschner, lecture).


According to Mr. Carlisle, Septicemia is a terrible thing to die of.

According to Mr. Holmes, the cookie must be consumed in order to have the energy necessary to complete the lab.

According to the textbook, William Lloyd Garrison was heavily influenced by the ideas of Ralph Waldo Emerson.

8:55 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

What Christian said.

When did I talk about painting the walls with fecal matter?

9:47 PM

Blogger Christian Wong said...

It was a few months ago. I have forgotten the exact context, what was said to make you think of fecal matter. But I made a note of your remark in my journal. Before you said it, I recall you saying "No, I shouldn't say that." You were smiling, so I assume that you were amused by some connection you made in your head. Someone near the front pressed you on what you were reminded of and you said the quote there. I believe I wrote it verbatim, but because of how it is worded it has unfortunate implications when read outside of its original context.

Prior to that, you had made an offhand comment regarding gastrointestinal distress. I was under the impression that this was what you meant at the beginning of the year when you stated that you had a tendency to be "semi-profane."

10:02 PM


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