Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Phase Two of the New Curriculum


Anonymous Wade Johnson said...

So gooooood! Why is this not a movie yet?! Love it.

7:31 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

You should write the script.

7:34 PM

Anonymous Wade Johnson said...

Only if you write yours.

7:36 PM

Blogger Harrison Le said...

"Mr. Carlisle" the movie?

8:40 PM

Blogger Mariana S. Garcia said...

this clip builds even more my excitement for the new curriculum!

9:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was way better than the first clip! And again with the great animation!

3:49 PM

Anonymous Sara Brazier said...

I like the boy at the beginning that screams "no!"

4:02 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Your analysis of this video is so incredibly deep. It's like an onion in that it has so many different layers.

4:11 PM

Blogger #66chamberlain#68 said...

My head hurts. This creates an uncomfortable feeling in me. I don't like it

9:27 PM

Blogger Narin L said...

They forgot the part where we didn't find WMDs...or oil.

10:33 PM


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