Saturday, March 10, 2012


Food for thought:



Do and Don't


Blogger Jenna said...

I'm dressing up ALL day on Monday:)

7:42 PM

Anonymous Thomas W. 3rd period said...

Do: Did Roosevelt really get his nickname from a failed bear hunt?

Don't: Oops.

Don't Do: Sums up the last half of the last video.

7:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Carlisle you'll be seeing me wearing dress pants, for the first and last time this year.

10:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the guy as Teddy. Cain, not so much. He did make me laugh though.

5:07 PM

Blogger The Margaret said...

It's sad when I see people at state take first when they sound like some of the worser speakers present

5:19 PM

Anonymous Tanner Oldham 1st period said...

the rosevelt guy is an amazing actor.....the bar is high.

7:52 PM

Blogger Alyssa Chamberlin said...

Cain totally went about the foreign policy question wrong...not a good idea to make fun of a different place's name, and say that they are insignificant.

9:39 PM


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