Monday, April 23, 2012

Is your computer safe?? 


Blogger The Margaret said...

You posted this at 11:11, I think you now what I wished for!

8:01 PM

Blogger Harrison Le said...

This is but one example of how futures wars will be waged over cyberspace.
Just think about Stuxnet, cyber viruses and malware are going to become weapons if the problem isn't controlled now.

8:07 PM

Anonymous Juliet Adams said...

Oh my gosh! This scares me. It also shocks me that the hackers make a 14 million off of screwing other people's computers! It's also annoying how the Federal Government is spending money on trying to fix what the hackers did, when that money could go to feeding the hungry or something. I hope my computer isn't hacked!

8:21 PM

Blogger MacKenzie G. said...


This is really scary, Terminator aside. Besides the fact that I really like my internet and am not sure how I would function without some of the resources it provides me, the fact that people can hack into people's internet access like this is very disturbing.

9:17 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

You guys can actually go to a website to see if you're computer is safe. I checked my computer out and I'm good to go.

9:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of scams such as this, my brother got a text from some spam text called horoscopegenie asking him to subscribe to something for $9.99. And since he didn't reply and say no, they automatically added it to our phone bill and charged us for two months before my mom caught it...we got the money back, but apparently not saying no to spam texts that ask to to subscribe to stuff is saying stupid.

10:05 PM

Anonymous Uncle Sam "Freedom" Richmann said...

My computer is safe. Unless, that's just what the government wants me to think! We could all be caught up in a massive government conspiracy where they control all of the internet! Help! The government is taking over! Unless they're reading this. In which case I love the government.

RON PAUL 2012!!!

10:34 PM


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