Monday, April 02, 2012

News You Should Care About

If you get arrested for any minor crime, I hope you're not shy about being naked around strangers. 


Anonymous Thomas W. 3rd period said...

This is just another reason not to get arrested.

4:51 PM

Anonymous sara b said...

If you don't get arrested, then you won't have to worry about strip searchess

4:51 PM

Blogger The Margaret said...

The worst part is, most people doing strip searches are like old, sketchy 48 year old men.... UGH!!!

5:58 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

I think you guys are kind of missing the point.

6:31 PM

Blogger Aurora said...

Well the system of cops is so messed up I'm going to assume that there is no other possibly then the system now (for the sake of briefness).To summarize my view this would seem to discourage actions (shame is great motivation) that lead to jail however most do crimes with the intention of not getting caught. Also yes majority of major criminals are caught by minor crimes but there should be more restrictions on the law. These restrictions should cover religious ect. Also minor offences soudn't make strip search legal, the criminal should they be fined a minor offence then police can find other bigger offences they can search them, the gap between police and the thing there are supposed to protect, the people, will grow ever wider with this. Thus the "war" will loss its people not to death but fear and mistrust. I also did some reasurch (after coming to this conclusion) on this and found this

In theory this law seems practical but in use it has more negative effects then the desired out come. So this seems bad, very very bad.
On on anther note useing these "wars" to legalize right restriction is illogical because it is not a war but poor way to say that...

6:59 PM

Blogger Aurora said...

I for got to mention the origin of that source seemed to be abit bias though. Also other counties seem to implement this but are very hush about it, like Russia's "poison" problem.

7:04 PM

Blogger Marbaloid said...

i am never getting arrested!!! i would feel so violated :(

7:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that strip-searching for any crime is a little extreme and although the point was made for being able to catch criminals before they do anything worse (as in the 9/11 attacks), it's all a little extreme. People need a right to privacy, and this takes things out of hand.

8:49 PM

Blogger Alyssa Chamberlin said...

I think this violates our right to privacy. By making people strip to nothing in order to search for drugs, weapons, etc, is far too extreme. The police already have other methods of searching people: metal detectors and patting people down, so there shouldn't be a need to strip people down to nothing.

9:03 PM

Anonymous Rachel Ramirez said...

I like how it mentions the 4th amendment saying it's not in violation of "unreasonable searches", but really? Did the 4th amendment need to include strip searches in there? I feel like they're using it as guidelines and finding bad loopholes that invade rights.And although he points out the Oklahoma bombing and 9/11, those are two examples that are very important, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't change the fact that this is horrible. Especially the fact that people in lower courts said that people should be strip searched for driving without a license or not paying child support, I mean what's the rational point to that? This is beyond disgusting by our supreme court in my opinion.

9:20 PM

Anonymous Uncle Sam "Freedom" Richmann said...

Hooray! I love it when the personal freedoms I enjoy as an American slowly get taken away! This is just like Christmas, only instead of getting presents from Santa Claus, I get the satisfaction of knowing the Constitution really doesn't matter. You know what could make this even better? Maybe if it was also decided that the whole "due process" thing was out of date... Or what if, the President had the power to lock up suspected terrorist indefinitely? Yeah, that'd be great! Hoorah... The world is slowly getting worse...

If only there was somebody who desired to restore personal liberty who also might perchance be running for president...
RON PAUL 2012!!!

1:45 AM

Blogger Sara Golestaneh said...

This is definitely a violation of the 4th Amendment. If they don't have a warrant, they shouldn't be able to search you or your belongings. And Justice Kennedy's response is way too extreme. You can't just say every minor criminal is going to become some mass murderer or go around bombing buildings. That's ridiculous. A lot of people are put in jail for harmless crimes like possession of marijuana.

4:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that a strip search does violate the fourth amendment. I mean they don't have a warrant to search you. I know that they are just trying to keep everyone safe, but we have rights too. We should be able to have all of our rights and not have execptions to them in order to keep America the land of the free.

7:10 PM

Anonymous Juliet A. said...

Okay so this seriously scares the crap out of me. So anyone can be legally forced to strip if they commit an almost harmless crime? That's pretty ridiculous. So if i'm walking my dog without a leash in a park that says that leashes are required i can get strip searched for violating that law? Are there restrictions for minors? Because it's just plain wrong that a grown man or woman would be allowed to do that to teenagers. That's such an invasion of privacy. I wouldn't even get naked in front of people closest to me, needless to say a 30, 40, or 50 year old cop. Unless there was a real imminent threat then this should not be permitted. It's just wrong! Being violated like that can seriouly mentally damage someone that had no drugs or anything and did not deserve to be strip searched. It would be an immensely hard thing for me to get over. And you never know if there's a disgusting perv cop out there who will abuse this given freedom to search.

8:35 PM

Anonymous Cathy L said...

Thats very disturbing... Sara but what if we do get arrested?????? Im scared,even though I know Im not going to get arressted anytime soon.

8:36 PM

Anonymous Vanessa T. said...

Yes, the US is afraid of serious crime, but why would the Supreme Court allow strip searching on people who usually abide the law?! Last week, I was driving in circles in an empty parking lot without my seatbelt on... What could have happened to me?
Like the Patriot Act, this restricts the rights of Americans, which does not feel right. Knowing the government has the control to strip search people for seemingly harmless acts is scary. Americans should have more rights, and if the government does not allow it, I don't know what will happen to the country.

7:45 PM


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