Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Not very impressed by the caliber of Reed College's students after watching this. 


Blogger Sara Golestaneh said...

Poor kid. Hey Reedies are very smart...when they aren't stoned.

4:25 PM

Blogger Aurora said...

That's why Harry Potter should be part of English curriculum!

5:36 PM

Blogger Tristy R. said...

I was watching this last night and almost died laughing while at the same time screaming "WAND!! WAND YOU IDIOT!" And to think his parents are paying for him to go to Reed. I would send him back to seconds grade first... or PCC #baaaateschner

6:02 PM

Blogger Tristy R. said...

*second. But you got what I meant, right?

6:03 PM

Blogger The Margaret said...

This is what happens when you go to Weed- I mean Reed- "College"

7:15 PM

Anonymous Juliet Adams said...

Wow if this isn't embarrassing then i don't know what is...Magic wand is literally the first thing that came to my mind. Does this mean I'm smarter than a college kid?

9:09 PM

Blogger Harrison Le said...

I have lost faith in the elite colleges of America, if this is what they're turning out.

10:01 PM

Blogger Mariana S. Garcia said...

He was under pressure,maybe that made him not get it..but it was pretty obvious

10:24 PM

Anonymous Sara B said...

I thought it was magic land...

11:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have guessed magic wand right off the bat

6:43 AM

Anonymous Marilyn W said...

That last message was by me I have no clue why it said anonymous.

6:47 AM

Anonymous Thomas W. 3rd period said...

I didn't guess magic wand. I guess I'm bad at Wheel of Fortune.

5:48 PM

Blogger Per 4 Clara said...

In his defense, that 'and' did look very 'and'-ey.

7:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it was magic land too Sara!

8:17 PM

Anonymous Uncle Sam "Freedom" Richmann said...

In his defense, he guessed at least three very plausible things. I would've totally gone for some magic sand.

9:37 PM

Anonymous Danielle Y. said...

That is why colleges are so expensive. Thank you for your fantastic ejukashun?

5:23 PM

Blogger Narin L said...

Maybe he was a physics major?

10:45 PM


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