Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Eighth Amendment

The Eighth Amendment prohibits excessive fines. 
As always, please share your thoughts about the content in this video.


Anonymous Jo G. said...

This law is terrible. Selling/doing drugs is not the worst thing someone could do. He got 25-life, for having drugs (his third offence). According to his family, he was never a threat. There have been countless murderers, rapists, and others who have gotten less time; some have even had charges against them dropped. This law needs to be repealed, because people like this man are being charged wrongfully, and this violates the 8th amendment.

5:29 PM

Anonymous Bryna C. 4 said...

I have mixed feeling towards this 3 strikes you're out law, but I think there needs to be more consideration on what is an actual "strike". What really gets me is that the lesser crimes are greatly affecting their families in a very unnecessary way.

6:17 PM

Anonymous Austin H. B1 said...

I think it's a waste of money to be sending people to prison for so long for such minor charges. Our prisons are crowded enough with the violent criminals. It's also obvious the three-strikes law hurts those in poverty the most.

8:01 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

That is so wrong. Who came up with this law?!? And once people get addicted to drugs, it is like a disease and takes serious recovery. You can't send him to jail for not being able to overcome his addiction on his own. This is where the 5th amendment of no double jeopardy is negative. I also feel this punishment is cruel which breaks the 8th amendment. I'm so shocked to hear this story.

8:28 PM

Anonymous Justin A. said...

In class i didnt think much of this. But when i see the whole story it is really messed up. They should really repeal this law. I am sure there are more men and women with the same story

8:44 PM

Anonymous Alexa T. 4 said...

It is so sad (and scary) to think that violent criminals may get out of jail while non-violent criminals are stuck for life! They need to change that, it violates the 8th Amendment.

3:46 PM

Anonymous Kaitlyn Worthley said...

Its shocking that someone without a violent record can go to jail for such a long time, just for commiting three "small" crimes. I think that this law is unfair to people who have made bad choices in their past but are trying to improve their life.

7:46 PM

Anonymous Nick Kaelin. 1 said...

I agree and disagree with this law. I agree because you know the law is there so why push the boundaries far enough to get caught a third time? I disagree because the things he got caught doing were very small and they are causing him to spend 25 years to life. I don't understand how he can be punished when there is bigger offenses like his daughter said that are not punishable for that long.

8:34 PM

Anonymous Breena P. said...

I completely agree with Nick. While it was wrong of him to have drugs, a 25 year sentence is ridiculous. That daughter should not have to spend that long without her dad.

9:11 PM

Blogger jake said...

In some cases that "three strikes and your out" works great, but from the last couple stories i have heard it sounds awful. Drugs are terrible, yes, but being locked up forever because of them is a little silly.

10:32 PM

Anonymous Cam y said...

feel like there should be a limit for what is a strike and what is not a strike in california. 20$ worth of Meth should no be considered something to give you 25 to life so i personally think that if it is something that is non-violent and is not a huge offense like have multiple pounds of cocaine or some other drug than it should no be a strike but just serve a punishement for it like house arrest or something. People with bigger offenses are being faced less jail time, therefore he should be treated with the same sort of consequence because of the extent of the crime.

10:43 PM

Blogger Melissa Keenan said...

Drugs are bad things to do and I think it is a good thing we have laws against them but she shouldn't get sentenced for that amount of time in prison when there are more discusting and horrible crimes getting lesser time in prison

6:25 AM

Anonymous Jazmine H. P.3 said...

Maybe the state of California feels that doing drugs is being violent to yourself. Sending someone to prison for doing an action that is well controlled, is not right. They should rethink that law.

6:00 PM


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