Friday, October 19, 2012

IA Update

Here are some reminders regarding your IA:

1. Parts A and B are due on Wednesday, October 24 at the beginning of class. I will take ten points off your grade each calendar day if Parts A and B are late. No exceptions. 

2. Make sure you have cited from ALL of your sources. Failure to do so will result in a loss of points on Part B. 

3. When in doubt, CITE!!   

4. Follow the format of the sample IA I gave you last when turning Parts A and B. Make sure you include the word count for each section at the conclusion of each section. Citations, headings, and footnotes don't count as part of your word count.


Anonymous Bryna C. 4 said...

Hi! How many main points would you like us to have in our Summary of Evidence? The example essay you gave us has 4. And if there isn't an exact amount what is the minimum and maximum amount? Thank you!

6:06 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Minimum of at least three headings. Four would be even better.

6:44 PM


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