Thursday, November 01, 2012

After grading tests all day I feel like the woman in this video (26 seconds in).

Red pen is almost out of ink.  



Blogger Unknown said...

Haha! YOU CAN FINISH Carlisle! "They don't call it the amazing race for nothing." Yay IB.

8:02 PM

Anonymous Justin A. said...

That totally made my day!
keep it up carlisle. You got this!

8:20 PM

Anonymous Daisy U said...

I watched this video 4 times, the amount of surprise does not change. It was hilarious but also made me gasp, had to share it with my family. They thought it was funny too, thanks for the laugh! Also, that scares me.... anxiety going up 100%.

8:50 PM

Blogger Audrey said...

Intense. haha just kidding. that video is really funny! if you feel like that after the tests imagine how we feel before them.

10:10 PM

Anonymous Kelsi Wojahn said...

Best video ever.

10:44 PM

Blogger jake said...

HAHA! that is awesome. odd challenge on that show though.. keep up the good work mr.Carlisle

11:18 PM

Anonymous Bryna C. 4 said...

The only reason why you were running out of red ink was because you had so many under lining and check marks you put on 4th period's papers!

11:30 AM

Blogger Nicholas Jones said...

That video is so funny. I watched it live when it first happened on the Amazing Race and they talked about how if the watermelon didn't break it probably would have killed her. But i kinda felt like that girl once i got my test back..

12:45 PM


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