Monday, December 03, 2012

Read. Think. Comment.

Very informative graphic about the growing income gap between men and women. Share your thoughts. 


Anonymous Justin A. said...

those are crazy stats.
We live in an age that it shouldnt matter if what your sex is. It should all be an equal playing field

7:34 PM

Anonymous Daisy U said...

That is really sad.I don't know what to say that is crazy. I didn't realize that gap was the huge, hopefully it all changes before the 38 years they mentioned.

8:51 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

This gap is very large. It just proves that society can still have gaps such as whites and minorities. The past still affects us everyday, even though many people believes we are all equal.

9:02 PM

Anonymous Emily N said...

This gap isnt fair, hopefully treatment of minorites improves in time.

9:17 PM

Anonymous Bryna C4 said...

If more effort was put into changing these statistics to have men and women equal, by both men and women, I am sure it will be done even a little before 38 years.

11:17 PM


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