Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Trailer for the film I'm showing in class tomorrow. First period, please be in class no later than 0745. Fourth period, class will be dismissed around 2:55 tomorrow. 


Blogger Unknown said...

This looks amazing, I'm really excited! You can't hide secrets about a famous and loved man. I would hope someone would always look for the truth in these military situations-their families deserve that. I've never heard of this story but I can't wait!

10:53 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I can't believe the military covers up all these stories, It's so disrespectful and disappointing to our country. These men and women die for our country, the least the military could do is tell the truth and do all they can to help out the family. Instead they spin their stories in a light to make themselves look good. It's quite sad.

6:10 PM

Anonymous Michelle S. P4 said...

Would it be uncalled for to comment on Pat's attractiveness?... <3

9:07 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

That's crazy how he gave up a multi-million dollar contract to serve our country. It's very sad to hear about how the government covered the whole story up from his family.

9:46 AM

Anonymous Gavin H. said...

It's really unfair what the military did to Pat's family by trying to lie about his death. He was a hero and a patriot and he and his family deserved better especially after he lost his life. It's really annoying and frustrating to think about.

4:16 PM


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