Monday, November 18, 2013



Students, choose your own adventure on the Underground Railroad! Please post your results in the comments section! 


Anonymous Kaitlyn S. 1AB said...

I followed the underground railroad and I made it to Canada! It said that I now have freedom, which will allow me to vote and have land!

3:39 PM

Anonymous Lexia S. 1AB said...

I'm in Canada!!! I took risks and it worked out! I stayed at a safe house and went across an icy river into Canada. It said life still will not always be easy, but at least I would not be in slavery anymore! I can own my own land and vote now!

3:40 PM

Anonymous Anna F. 4AB said...

I made it to Canada where I'm now free!

3:54 PM

Anonymous Gabryel G. 4AB said...

I made it to Canada where I can finally be free at last! My struggles throughout the underground railroad were definitely worth it in the end because not only am I free, I can also vote and own land.

6:09 PM

Anonymous Jessie L 1AB said...

I chickened out and my escape was over... Let's be real here.. It would be really scary to approach a white house not knowing whether they would help you or turn you in. The decision that slaves had to make was so much more than a click of a button.

6:27 PM

Anonymous Sarah S. 4AB said...

I chose not to cross Lake Erie because it looked to dangerous! All it told me was that underground railroad agents encouraged people to go to Canada and that the Fugitive Slave Act made it legal to hunt slaves anywhere...

6:33 PM

Anonymous Austin L 1AB said...

Made it to Canada!

6:46 PM

Anonymous Jimmy H P4 said...


7:38 PM

Anonymous Dylan M. P. 1 said...

Made it to Canada. Now with my newly acquired freedom I've try some Canadian Bacon and learn how much of a lie it is.

7:50 PM

Anonymous Rayman K. 4AB said...

Made it to Canada!

8:19 PM

Anonymous Brittnee Webb 1AB said...

You made it! It took courage, luck, help, and incredible stamina. Here in Canada, you can finally breathe free. Not only won’t the government return you to slavery in the United States, but you can vote and even own land. No wonder thousands have already run away to settle here. You still face challenges: finding a home, making a living, adjusting to a new place. But you face them in freedom.

9:12 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I made it to Canada!!!!!!! But if it were me, I would have killed the slave owner and as family as they slept in their warm comfortable homes as we suffered and tried finding any bit of warmth we could. Than I would have fallowed the underground railroads the way I did and escaped.

9:30 PM

Anonymous Brooke R 1AB said...

Apparently I made it to canada which is okay but I'm a warm weather type but it was a yolo moment

9:31 PM

Anonymous Mariza Rayfield per 1AB said...

I'm a Canadian! #freedom

9:34 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

I haven't laughed out loud from blog comments in a long time. Well done.

9:49 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I made it to Canada! And I was free!

10:08 PM

Anonymous Daniel K 4AB said...

I made it to Canada eh. I love it hear in Canada eh. I am free at last eh. You try to take my freedom eh? well you will never take my will and my fighting spirit eh. Well now Im going to go eat some Canadian bacon and some maple syrup eh. #Teamfreeatlast #eh #Canadian #moose #hunting #lifeismychoice

10:09 PM

Anonymous Daniel K 4AB said...



10:12 PM

Anonymous Jessica J, 4AB said...

I made it to Canada by taking risks and putting my life in danger. I imagine this would be very scary for a slave trying to gain freedom and experiencing these things!

10:26 PM

Anonymous Quayone W 4AB said...

I made it to Canada! IM FREE!

12:30 PM

Anonymous Kathryn G 4AB said...

Ah, Canada! I don't think I could have made that incredible journey without my main man, a weirdly pitchy black man singing freedom tunes quietly throughout my quest. #thxman #teamfreeatlast #notyoupitchyblackman #getbacktowhereyoucameboy

3:52 PM

Blogger Lauren Schrader said...

made it to canada. they know whats up

4:05 PM

Anonymous Alex M. 2A, 4AB said...

Made it to Canada, I imagine in real life it would have been terrifying and horrible, but since someone told us what to do in this game (thank you, based Jimmy) It wasn't too hard. Also, the audio quality made the singing guy a lot creepier than he probably should have been.

4:25 PM

Anonymous Kela A. 1AB said...

Yes I finally made it to Canada! I can now have equal rights and vote! #canadianlife

5:46 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I made it to Canada and able to own land and vote along with my freedom :D

7:24 PM

Anonymous Devin D 4AB said...

Aw I wanted moar choices, but I still made it!!! YEAH

7:35 PM

Anonymous Preston T Block 4 said...

OOOOOH CAAAANADAAA MY HOME AND NATIVE LAAAAND! Oh lordy lordy thank the heavens im a free soul! God bless Canada

10:00 PM

Anonymous Sierra C. 1AB said...

I made it to Canada! I can now vote and own land. I took risks like approaching a white person'a home and crossing an icy lake, but they paid off. Slaves also took many risks. It must have been hard for then to decide what to do. I still fce challenges, but now I face them in freedom.

4:58 PM


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