Monday, November 04, 2013

Psych students

Psych students, take the IAT on race and post your results and YOUR PERSONAL REFLECTION on your results in the comments section.


Anonymous Rachel Grover said...

My Result:
Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between European American and African American.

*Totally posted this to the wrong one; don't judge.

9:14 PM

Anonymous Danielle Brady said...

My data suggests a strong automatic preference for European Americans compared to African Americans. Not surprising considering I grew up with a racist father and grandfather.

2:49 PM

Anonymous Thong Nguyen said...

Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

6:51 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

My data suggest moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

7:08 PM

Anonymous Lexia S. 2A said...

I do not think it was very accurate because I took it a couple times. My data showed I had a slight preference for European Americans one of the times and then the other time it said I slightly preferred African Americans. I do not prefer one over the other.

8:06 PM

Anonymous Kaitlyn S. 2A said...

I took the test and it said that I had a slight preference for European Americans, but I do not actually prefer one of them over the other like my test showed.

8:08 PM

Anonymous Iris W. 2B said...

My data suggest a slight automatic preference for African American compared to European American.

9:07 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

10:01 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Ray Barlow:

Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

10:18 PM

Anonymous Jessica J. 2B said...

My data suggests little to no automatic preference between European American and African American. I think that that's mostly true for me. After learning how this experiment works, I'm curious as to how they came up with it.

9:01 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

I took it twice and the first time it said that I had a strong preference to European Americans and the second time it was an automatic preference to European Americans.

12:54 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

My data suggest a moderate automatic preference for African American compared to European American.

4:00 PM

Anonymous Ben W. 2A said...

My data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American children compared to African American children.

10:51 AM

Anonymous Nick Wanderscheid 2B said...

My data suggested a slight automatic preference for African American compared to European American.

2:16 PM

Anonymous Bridget Creager said...

Mine said I had a slight automatic preference for European American compared to African American. Makes sense considering I try to be unbiased but there are some things just ground into the way I think from early childhood and the media.

2:54 PM

Anonymous Amanda Walsh said...

My data suggest a strong automatic preference for European Americans compared to African Americans. It can be accurate because most of my family is racist and I haven't had many engagements with African Americans.

6:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It said I had a prefrence for European American compared to African American

4:45 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American

7:29 PM

Blogger Charlee.McGuire said...

My data suggests a slight automatic preference for European American as compared to African Americans. As of now, I'm not entirely sure what to think of this. I think the appropriate course of action and intent of this experiment is to reflect on not only how we, myself included, judge others but why. If I said I didn't feel guilty, I would be lying. If I said I didn't try to come up with excuses at first, ie. the order of the tests in the experiment are skewed, I'd be lying as well. Although I've found that it is a natural response (DEFENSE MECHANISMS), there is no ignoring the fact that something can be done about it. I recognize that the media certainly hasn't helped me overcome my stereotypes; however, as soon as individuals can take responsibility for their own part in society and act in order to reverse such negativity, things will begin to improve.

7:41 PM


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