Thursday, January 16, 2014


As Mississippi author William Faulkner once said, "The past is never dead. It's not even the past."

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Anonymous Kaitlyn S. 1AB said...

I don't think that the monument already placed there was meant to honor soldiers that died on both the confederate and union sides as someone in the video claimed. It was covered in confederate flags. I think the right thing to do would be to add another monument there for the union soldiers that died there too. That way all of the soldiers are remembered and honored.

5:09 PM

Anonymous Lexia S. 1AB said...

It would be a hard thing for someone to argue that this monument honors both sides when three of the four sides have confederate flags and other such things of the confederacy as well. I do believe the second monument should be made in memory of the Union soldiers that died there, and that it should be put in a place that is regularly seen.

5:14 PM

Anonymous Devin D 4AB said...

I just don't understand why there are more Confederate flags in the first place. If more Confederate soldiers were involved in the battle or if more died compared to Union troops then I guess they could use more space for names but there weren't.

11:18 PM

Anonymous Austin L 1AB said...

I understand that Confederate flags are in the south for heritage purposes. However, the states should realize that the flags represent a very racist time in American history. I believe that monuments honoring soldiers on each side should not bare the Confederate flags on them as it disrespects the Union soldiers who sacrificed their lives to preserve the union.

6:27 PM


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