Thursday, May 29, 2014


Adv. US History
Reagan-Bush Years

notes/video clips: The Reagan Years (1981-89)
March 30, 1981: assassination attempt on President Reagan's life
Reaganomics: video clip from AE DVD (Disc #2---11:00---13:50)
1984 campaign ad
Reagan vs. Mondale debate clip
Iran-Contra affair (overview)
video clip: (Disc #3---16:00---23:00); if absent from class, watch this clip
Reagan at the Berlin Wall--1987
War on Drugs and its effects on African Americans--from Prof Gates DVD
President George H.W. Bush Years (1989--1993)
Willie Horton ad
Dukakis tank ad
Senator Dan Quayle vs. Senator Lloyd Bentsen debate moment
VP Quayle gaffes
Nov 1989--Berlin Wall
Berlin Wall comes down--1989
President Bush throwing up in Japan--1992

Text pp. 927--36
Honors US History
Nixon Years

discuss the legacy of the Vietnam War
1968 Democratic Convention--chaos
notes: The Nixon Years (1969-74)
notes: The Nixon Presidency
handout: major domestic achievements of the Nixon administration
video clips from AE DVD:

  1. 1968 campaign against Humphrey--campaign commercial
  2. enemies list and break in of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office in June 1971
  3. Nixon visits China--1972
notes/discussion: WATERGATE Scandal
Nixon Farewell to his staff (begin at 11:06)
the sexual revolution and the women's liberation movement
video clip/reading: The Feminine Mystique and the problem with no name (from 1964 DVD)
Princeton Mom

Text pp. 899--904


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