Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Summer thoughts Part II

Hello all! Hope your summer break is going well. I've been biking up a storm lately. Feels really good to be out on the bike. Did the Tour de Blast up in Washington a couple of weeks ago. It was an amazing ride into the blast zone in and around Mt. St. Helens. Here's the link for the ride:

82 miles of beautiful scenery and great riding. I just watched my first night of Tour de France coverage at a friend's house with cable. I don't know if you've heard, but several top riders are not competing in the tour this year because of allegations of doping. The tour is wide open this year and I believe American rider Floyd Landis will win it.

My reality TV show of the summer is Hell's Kitchen. Check it out on Monday nights on Fox. Good stuff.

As far as the big summer movies, Superman Returns deserves 3 stars out of 5. Pirates 2 earns 2.5 stars. Great twist ending to that movie though. If anyone has 2 tickets to Pearl Jam at the Schnitz and would like to donate or sell them to your favorite history teacher, I would gladly take you up on that.

Okay, stay safe and keep your bikes upright at all times.

Carlisle out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Carlisle! Hows it going? Im in Cali now, we got here probably 3 weeks ago. And oh my goodness, it is HOT. Today it was 105, but the day we got here I think it was 107. Its crazy.
But we are all moved into our house, and its pretty nice.
Guess what? The school I am going to starts in like 3 weeks. Which totally sucks, but its kind of cool because it gets out in May. Soo hopefully I'll be visiting and will be there for Tigard's Graduation! =]
Anyways, just thought Id say hi. Talk to ya later!

8:16 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Good to hear that you are getting settled in your new digs. Hope the rest of your family is doing well. Please inform Aleca that she should shave her head to stave off heat stroke.

Please feel free to keep posting comments on the blog. Keep me updated on your senior year. If need a letter of recommendation, please let me know.

Talk to you later.

9:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is up Mr. C. The best show of the summer is so you think you can dance, hands down! I had intro last week carlisle and guess what class I am in fall term...psych 204 "mind and society"! I am pretty excited for it. I am also taking an understanding music course which should be very intriguing as well. As far as Pirates goes, the animation/special effects were killer but I must agree that the first was of a higher caliber. Hope your july continues to go well and good luck with the pearl jam tickets.

4:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahah, I'll let her know. Don't count on it though. She's going to go up to Oregon to visit in a few weeks and will be there for a while.

Thanks, that means alot. I'll keep you updated. =]

How is your summer going?

9:42 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


The Psych class sounds really interesting. Let me know how it goes.

Have you seen Heart of the Game yet? So You Think You Can Dance is LAME!!! Why do females love dancing so much? My wife likes that show too.

Talk to you later.

8:59 AM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


My summer is going quite well. What can I say, I love not having to work for 2.5 months. It's the greatest!

Just biking, reading, watching reality TV, going to movies, occasional concerts, and taking some trips here and there.

I'm really stoked b/c we're getting hooked up to DSL next week!! No more dial up. I can't wait!

What's your new town like?

9:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey mr carlisle!
his is kelsey darr from psych. Nice new look for the blog, Hells Kitchen totally rocks! thats awesome that you like that show too, who do you want to win? yeah, i didnt think pirates 2 was as good as the first one but it was still awesome. Hope you are having a good summer :)

12:15 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Thanks for the kind comment. I liked the humor in Pirates 2, but it just lacked the zing of the first film. Does that make any sense?

Kelsey D,

Good to hear from you. I hope your summer is going well. Hmmmm, who do I think will win Hell's Kitchen?? My first front runner was Heather. But now I think that big goofy guy who's a bartender/cook will win. He's my darkhorse contender.



2:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, fun! What concerts have you been going to?
Any luck with Pearl Jam tickets?

The town I live in is pretty small. Its in the Mojave Desert, so theres not much green. Its mostly brown and yellow. Its grown a lot since I was here last, but its still small. Definately smaller than Tigard. But I think like that its small.
As the people and like comunity goes, its kind of become more like LA, but probably not THAT bad.
Im definately missing Oregon though, and the rain!

9:21 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


It's going to be 105 degrees here on Saturday!! It's going to be like the Mojave Desert here.

I'm rafting on the Clackamas on Sunday. Looking forward to some cool water.

10:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said... i went and saw 'the heart of the game'--it was SUPER good, and i would have cried but since i was with 2 teenage boys i didnt want to start the water works! but anyway..ya really good, i just kinda wanna tell everyone i know about it! and ya my summer reading book is "the spirit catches you and you fall down"-will you read it???!! you have to!!! help a sister out, i'll read it, than you can, than we'll talk! ttys..-TREVA

2:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, fun!!
Yeah this week is supposed to be really hot too, they say its going to be the hottest week the whole summer. But my mom and my aunt are going to plan a beach trip sometime soon. So, Im excited about that!
I hope you have fun rafting!

4:34 PM


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