Wednesday, March 07, 2007

March 7

US History

discuss 10-2 TQ
10-3 notes
10-4 TQ (together)

11-1 RG


Blogger Mr. Julian said...

I always introduce Dred Scott as the SC's worst day ever (using the Comic Book Guy voice), and Plessy vs. Ferguson as the second-worst day ever. I also use the "I hate Illinois Nazis" soundbite from "Blues Brothers" when I talk about NSP vs. Skokie.

Saul Goode, social studies teacher to the stars

11:34 AM

Blogger Roxanne said...

Not only was it a cane that Brooks used to attack Sumner with - it was a gold-knobbed gutta-percha cane that he used!

I wonder if there were people actually smiling like they were in the picture the book and the video showed.

In its own way, it was sick.. but funny - but bad! No, no, never ever do that.


5:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i left my history binder at school i was wondering if you could please e-mail me a copy of the homework. My e-mail adress is
thank you :D

8:51 PM


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